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"I can't believe you've uploaded your first YouTube video, I'm so proud of you!" A massive grin spread across pjs face "it's had 7 views so far" I only uploaded it like 2 minutes ago, I'm kind of proud "any likes?" I nodded "2".

I suddenly realised how stupid I sounded, Dan, Phil, Chris and PJ all have hundreds of thousands of followers. I only have 7.

"You've gotta start somewhere right?" I tried to back pedal "don't worry, I'm sure you will get more soon" I hope he was right.

PJ was quiet for a little while before slapping his hands together "I know what we should do!" I already know what he's going to say "we should go out and celebrate!" Nope. No way. "Celebrate what?" I joked "you starting YouTube obviously" he rolled his eyes and punched my arm so I punched him back "ow!" I laughed at his childish groan.

"Don't laugh at me!" He punched me again, harder this time "then don't punch me" we started to exchange punches, I managed to dodge most of pjs punches but the same could not be said for him.

He tried to dodge but he was too tall to move stealthily "haha!" I laughed triumphantly and he glared at me "don't make me do this Y/N" oh shit, he's not about to do what I think he is, is he? "TICKLE ATTACK!".

He started to tickle my underarms and I fell over "STOP IT PJ!" I started to kick his hands away but I couldn't focus on anything because I was laughing so hard "STOP!" I managed to kick him hard enough so that he fell down.

"Try to get me now mother fucker!" I giggled and ran into my room where Dan was waiting for me. "What's going on?" He started to chuckle as I held the door shut with my foot "PJ keeps trying to tickle me" he managed to push the door open a little so I threw my body against the door and it shut again.

"You two can't go one day without fighting can you?" He laughed and I continued to push against the door but I couldn't hold it for much longer. Suddenly PJ pushed the door wide open, almost hitting me in the face with the door.

"Haha! Come here you little bugger!" I jumped up on my bed and grabbed a pillow so that I could block his tickles. "Try me bitch" it was a stand off.

I wouldn't move until PJ moved and he wouldn't move until I moved. We glared at each other and Dan started to giggle "this is pure gold" I ignored him and kept staring PJ down.

"All right you two, cut it out" Dan put his hand on pjs shoulder and PJ karate chopped his hand away "aw fuck! I can't believe you've done this" PJ and I burst out laughing. He delivered that joke perfectly.

"Really? That's all it took? You two are weak" I fell backwards on the bed and hugged my sides, I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe.

I finally managed to calm myself down a bit and I sat up, Dan jumped onto the bed and sat next to me. While PJ was getting back up Dan gave me a quick peck on the cheek and I kissed him back, making sure PJ wasn't looking.

"What's going on? We heard banging-" Phil and Chris both entered the room and immediately made eye contact with me while I was kissing Dan, I can't go 5 seconds without awkward eye contact of some type.

Chris winked at me and tapped his nose, thank god for that. Dan and I broke apart and PJ started to stand up. "Guys! Y/N just uploaded her first YouTube video!" Phil and Chris gasped and then jumped onto the bed "WOOHOO!" Chris yelled and he started to jump up and down.

"Go Y/N! Go Y/N!" Phil chanted while doing a bad Mexican wave. "What's your channel name? I'm going to subscribe right now!" Phil pulled out his phone from his pocket and tapped on the YouTube app "its Y/C/N" he typed in the name to the search bar and my channel was the 3rd thing to come up "subscribed!".

"You know what we should do? We should go out and celebrate!" Chris suggested "PJ said that earlier, I think it would be a great idea!" Dan exclaimed. I appreciate the fact that we're all excited about me starting YouTube but I really don't want to go out. I'd rather stay in and watch Netflix.

"Or, we could have a movie marathon?" I raised my eye brow and looked at the boys "then we don't have to have that much social interaction" I sound so anti-social right now.

"Fair point, I heard they released the final part of the hunger games, we could binge watch the entire series" PJ replied. I looked around and saw Dan, Phil and Chris all give approving nods "it's settled then, I'll set up Netflix on the tv".

PJ stood up and strolled out of the room and into the living room to turn on the tv. The rest of us stood up and I tapped Chris on the shoulder. "If PJ asks, You didn't see Dan and I doing that" I whispered in his ear "don't worry, I won't tell PJ" he caught up with Phil in the hall and I felt Dan wrap his arm around my shoulder.

"What were you and Chris talking about?" He asked casually, I could hear a bit of jealousy in his voice "I just asked him not to tell PJ about us kissing" we continued down the hall "you know PJ doesn't care anymore, right?" I rolled my eyes "he may look like he doesn't care but trust me, he cares a lot more than he realises".

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