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Your POV-

Its dans turn to be turned down. I purposefully disappointed him so that I could have a bit of pay back, I was being petty as fuck but he deserved it.

By this point the sunrise was over and the sun had fully come up so I slid back into my room and just stood still. Now that I'm not really talking to PJ and Dan I don't know who to hangout with. But as I thought about it I thought it's about time I started hanging out with Phil and Chris, I've sort of been neglecting them lately.

I bounced down the hall, trying to improve my mood by making my behaviour a bit more light hearted. I knocked on Phil's door, he opened it and looked a bit confused "oh, hi Y/N! Whats up?" I felt a bit awkward, I hadn't really talked to Phil that much and he's already seen me have a mental breakdown so he probably thinks I'm an emotionally unstable psycho.

"Nothing, I was just wondering if I could try drawing you?" I didn't know what to talk about so my automatic reaction is to talk about art "sure! I'd love for you to draw me!" Phew, I haven't embarrassed my self, yet.

"Phil! Your turn to select the next track!" Chris yelled, I could hear the mario kart theme song coming from Phil's room. "Hang on! I'm talking to Y/N!" I felt bad, I didn't want to get in the way of their game "you should've said it was Y/N!" I heard Chris's footsteps approach the door, suddenly I saw his head appear over Phil's shoulder.

"Hi Chris!" I laughed, I couldn't see Chris's body so he just looked like a floating head on Phil's shoulder "she was just asking if she could draw me" Phil explained "ooooh, can you draw me?" I nodded "of course! I'd love to!" I made notes in my head on how I wanted to draw them "I'll do it right now, I don't have a lot else to be doing" shit, now they're going to think that I want to play mario with them, it's not that I don't want to it's just that I don't want to ruin their afternoon.

"Do you want to play with us? We're in the middle of a super tense game of mario kart" Phil offered, I shook my head a bit too vigorously. Great, now their going to think I'm rude. "I'm just going to start drawing" I felt myself tense up, I was making this conversation so awkward "ok, have fun!" I gave them a small wave, turned around and speed walked down the hall to my room.

Phil's POV-

"Is it just me or did she seem a bit tense to you?" Chris and I sat back down on the end of my bed where we had left our controllers "yeah, she seemed a bit forced" I moved my controller behind me and turned up the volume on the tv "like she was forcing herself to be happy" we both stayed quiet for a little before I remembered what we were doing before Y/N knocked.

"Now, where were we?" I smirked at Chris and pulled him towards me by his collar, he smiled back and closed the gap between my lips and his. It was my idea to turn up the volume on the tv so it seemed like we were playing video games. He pulled away and looked into my eyes and I looked into his, Chris had always hated his eyes because he claimed they were 'dull'. I always tell him that they look lovely but he never believes me.

"God you're so cute" he mumbled, we had only started to date roughly 5 weeks ago but we haven't told anyone else yet, we're just experimenting. "I could say the same for you" I pulled him back into a kiss and just let myself forget about everything happening around me.

Petition to make Dan wear that Winnie the Pooh onesie for spooky week

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