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Phils POV-

I pushed open Dans door forcefully and he glanced up from his computer, with a blank expression, before looking back down at the screen. "Dan! What the bloody hell have you done this time?" I was so angry at him, how dare he upset someone as sweet and as caring as Y/N, especially after how rude he was to her last night!

"I broke up with Y/N" what?? What is wrong with him? Y/N has done nothing but care for him and love him yet this is how he repays her? What is going through his head to make think that that is in any way, shape or form a good idea? "Why??" I didn't like yelling at people but Dan needed to wake up and smell the coffee. "Piss off Phil, I don't need to explain myself to you" in the 9 years I've known Dan he's never been so rude to me, I am actually shocked.

"Daniel James Howell, how dare you speak to me like that" I crossed my arms and frowned at him with my eyebrows furrowed, he looked up at me and just rolled his eyes. "Do I need to call your brother?" He shot me a look of pure horror, he loves his brother but when he tells him off it is not a pretty sight at all. "You wouldn't dare" he glared at me and I glared right back, I suddenly felt a small grin creep across my face and i realised that I had all of the power now. "Try me".

He jumped out of bed and as soon as he was on his feet I darted out of his room and down the hall, I had to get to my phone.

I passed Y/N's room and heard her sobbing, making me run 10x faster, nobody and I mean nobody makes her cry. I leaped into the living room and saw the glinting of my phone screen on the fireplace mantel. Before Dan could enter the room I clutched my phone in my hands and started to type in the passcode, I could hear Dans loud foot steps getting closer and closer to me.

I opened up my contacts and clicked on Adam's name, Dan doesn't stand a chance now. I started to FaceTime him and he picked up immediately "hey Phil! Long time no see! What's up?" By the time Dan had made it to the living room he was panting and knew that it was pointless trying to get the phone away from me. "Dans being a little shit to me and his girlfriend" I saw Adams expression turn from lighthearted and happy to furious in seconds "DANIEL HOWELL COME SPEAK TO ME THIS INSTANT" Dan stomped over sluggishly and reluctantly snatched the phone from my hands, I stood their smugly, hopefully Adam will sort him out.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Dan started to explain to Adam the events that had taken place in the last 48 hours, trying to make it seem like it wasn't his fault but I made sure I corrected him, I'm not letting him get off that easily. "I'm so disappointed in you, I'm coming round right now" before Dan could retaliate Adam had hung up and he turned to face me "thanks a lot Phil" he threw my phone back to me and began to storm off "you're welcome!".

I couldn't wait to see Adam in person again, the last time I saw him face to face was at his mum and dads Christmas party in 2014, since then we had only spoken to each other on FaceTime or text. Luckily for us he only lived about 15 minutes away so we wouldn't have to wait for long.

I checked my phone to see if Dan had damaged it when he threw it and it looked ok so I decided to check on Y/N, she needs some comforting.

"Hey Y/N, are you ok?" I pushed her door open gently and saw her sat slouching on her bed, she looked tired and defeated "I'm fine, I just want to see PJ" unfortunately pj, Chris and Sam had all gone out to Sam's parents evening at school and wouldn't be back for another couple of hours. "Don't worry, Dans brother is coming round in a minute and he'll have a word with Dan" I sat next to her on her bed and let her rest her head on my lap, I stroked her hair comfortingly and she started to cry again. "I just want to go back home with my mum and dad".

"Please don't go Y/N, it will be boring here without you" she sniffed her nose and we just sat in silence, Adam couldn't come soon enough.

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