Get me a bucket you doofus!

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The next few days were an unimportant blur. I slept in from my alarm multiple times that mum would walk past the corridor, see me still sound asleep and scream for me to wake up. It worked though, mum has always been more effective than my stupid alarm.

Attending classes were the least of my worries, the hardest part of the school day was lunchtime where I was exposed to seeing Fiona. The lunches for the past few days consisted of Emma talking to Fiona, Emma talking to me and Fiona and I not talking to each other.

It's like a brick wall in a matter of a few days had been built so high, that not even Emma's attempts to try and break it would get us to talk to each other.

Fiona was pissed and so was I, and that was more than enough to separate us. The fact that she was even pissed at the turn out of this situation angered me to the core.

She was the one who manipulated me in a cruel attempt to make me insane with fear, and now that she has been busted she acts like she's hurting too.

As much as it already hurts... I just wish she would own up to it already. I am so sick of her lies that it 'wasn't her' and she had 'no idea how the phone got in her bag'.

It's not like I can hate what she did any more than I already do.

Now it's Friday and I'm confronted with another soon to be lunch, which I have been dreading all day long.

Classes were a breeze as I focused all my time, mind and energy with completing the workload set in class, and it was a really good distraction... but it didn't last long.

I hear a group of friends sitting in a row behind me quietly chatting and laughing among themselves, which unexpectedly makes my heart ache as I suddenly remember the fight with Fiona.

The bell interrupts everyone's chatter and work, and moments later everyone is packing up and leaving for lunch.

I just don't understand why she would do this to me, it doesn't make any sense.

Why would my best friend go out of her way...and to extreme lengths just to hurt me?

Has she always internally hated me this much, and waited precisely for this very moment to strike?

What if she's secretly teamed up with Matt this whole time, and their both out to get me?

Can I even trust anyone anymore?

I shake the foolish, but extremely concerning thoughts away that continue to weigh me down.

My eyes scan the now empty classroom as even the teacher has left.

I'm all alone.

Nobody cares about me and if I don't even care about myself then no one will.

My breathing becomes quicker and more intense, but I don't process it until I'm almost choking on air.

Suddenly the room feels as if there's a limited supply of oxygen and I'm not a priority.

I attempt to take a slow and steady deep breath in, and hold it for a few seconds before letting it out along with my worries.

Deep breath in.

Deep breath out.

Deep breath in.

Deep breath out.

Slowly but surely my tense body begins to relax, and I feel in control of my body.

Breathe in.

She hates me

Breathe out.

Maybe Emma doesn't even like me either.

The Bet Beau Brooks (A Janoskian Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now