chapter 21.

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Me and Jack ran down the stairs and there stood a angry blond with a short black dress and high stilettos and Johnson stopping her from coming into the house. Gilinsky tensed up and I shot him a confused look.

"So this is the bitch you left me for? Am I not good enough? What does she have that I don't?"  Wtf? I looked at the boys for an explanation but they all gave me a sympathetic look.

"Uhmm who do you think you are to call me a bitch?" She smirked. "I'm jack's girlfriend" my eyes widened and Jack grabbed me by the shoulders. "Listen I can explain. This happened at a party, I was drunk and I did things that I regretted please forg- .." I didn't give him time to continue so I slapped him. I refused to cry. He could've told me. Now I feel like a slut that took someone else's boyfriend.

"Oh screw her Jack! She's just a slut. I love you unlike her" oh that's it. I ran fast towards her and slapped the bitch across the face before Nash grabbed me and Johnson grabbing Blondie.

"Before you call other people sluts take a good look in the mirror. I'm not the one who's face is caked in make-up and wearing a piece of cloth" she gasped and I ran up the stairs pass a shocked Jack. I wanted to leave. I haven't even been home in a while.

Before I could close the door Johnson came inside. "Grace I know you're mad at him but please don't leave. We enjoy you here and it was really a mistake. You know people do stupid things when they drunk. I don't want to tell you but as soon as you ran up those stairs Gilinsky was in tears and locked him in his room".

He looked at me sincerely "don't leave" it was my turn to cry so Johnson grabbed me and I cried into his shoulder. I heard screaming downstairs and clicking noises coming closer to the door. Puzzled Johnson opened the door and as soon as he did Blondie came bursting in punching me uncontrollably until we both were on the floor.

Johnson grabbed her and shoved her out of the door and I couldn't talk. I couldn't move. I wanted to scream. I was in so much pain and I know she punched me in my ribs. I reached out to the pain and saw blood. At that same Gilinsky came out of his room and his eyes widened.

"Holy shit. Johnson!!!! Johnson help!!! Call 911" through my blurred vision I saw him hovering over me with tears in his eyes picking me up bridal style.

"I can't lose you again" that's when I blacked out.


A/N: fucking hell Blondie .

Hope you liked this chapter as always.


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