chapter 7.

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There's something that I haven't told anyone before. This was the guy that made me leave school for a year. He ruined me. He made my life a living hell.

It all started when I joined this school. I got involved with the wrong friends and I didn't know Amber or Andrea yet. They made me drink, smoke and I would always come home late. I never wanted that but they told me if I didn't they will make my life a living nightmare.

One night when we were in the woods drinking more guests arrived and he came. It was all going fine until he became really drunk. I was still sober because I didn't really want to drink. When no one was paying attention he grabbed me and put his hand over my mouth so I wouldn't scream. He dragged me into the woods. He started touching me and I tried so hard to push him off of me but he didn't get that far with me because I kicked him where the sun never shines. I tried to get away but he yanked me back and slapped me right across the face.

I was screaming for help and luckily the others heard but I will never forget that day and how traumatized I was.


"miss me?" He asked me. His voice sending shivers down my spine. When I didn't answer he just laughed.

"You and me have some unfinished business" and in that moment I thought my life is officially over. The music was blaring so loud that no one would hear me scream.

In an act of bravery, I punched him straight in the face and tried to run but he caught me and push me up against the wall so hard that my head hit the wall. Everything got so dizzy.

"You shouldn't have done that. You're going to get it tonight" he started kissing me and grabbed my butt and squeezed it. I tried to get loose and even tried yelling again but he just forced himself further onto me.

When I was about to lose hope someone tackled him to the ground.

It was Jack.


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