chapter 13.

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So far so good.

I couldn't help but be a little paranoid but it all vanished when Jack put his arm on my shoulder.

"You okay?" He whispered in my ear making shivers run down my spine. I may have a crush on his cousin but he's cute too.

"Yeah. Fine." I smiled. I haven't even seen Cameron today. Only when we came but after that he took off.

"Jack, where's Cameron?" He looked at me and then he scanned the place. The music was so loud so we had to scream at each other

"Uhm I don't know." Sighing I nodded and excused myself. "You sure you want to walk alone?" Jack looked at me and scanned the room once again.

"Yeah I'm fine I just need to find the ladies room" he nodded. I haven't realised how long I was walking but this was a huge house. I went upstairs in search for the bathroom. When I got to the first door in the hall I opened it without even thinking.

What I saw broke my heart. Cameron and some other blond girl laying on the bed and the blond literally sucking his face off and he seems to be enjoying it. When Cameron saw me, he jumped up really quickly and his face held sadness. I didn't even realise I had been silently crying while watching them.

I cleared my throat, "uhm sorry for disturbing.. I..I was looking for the-e bathroom".

The blond looked like she was about to murder me, "get lost you little bitch!"

"Hey don't talk to her like that, she said she's sorry". I have honestly never seen someone as fake as her.

The blond smiled innocently, "okay Cam, I'm sorry." And went in for a passionate kiss, but he backed away and looked at me.

"Grace.." I didn't want to talk to him, I just ran out of the room. I know I don't own him but it sucks seeing your crush with someone else  (A/N: am I right?)

Finally after many doors later I found the bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror. Great.I thought to myself. My make-up smudged and I looked like a homeless zombie. I fixed my make-up and when I was done in the bathroom I stepped out and went downstairs. I need a drink. While walking down I bumped into Jack.

"What the hell happened to you up there? Was it him again? I swear to God if he.." I grabbed his arm to calm him down.

"No, it wasn't him, but I don't want to talk about it" I walked without waiting for a response, grabbed a drink and went to sit in the backyard of johnson's house (A/N: the reason was I call him Johnson is because he has the same name as Jack gillinsky and I don't want anyone to get confused. So if I mention "jack" just know it's gillinsky) . The great thing about his house was that it was a beach house. I was sitting on the back porch while watching the waves crash. Just the sound of it made everything so calm.

Someone came to sit next to me and I knew who it was. Jack put his arm around my shoulders. He was sitting close enough for our legs to touch. We sat in silence and I didn't realise he was looking at me. When I turned my head to the side our faces were only inches apart.

"I don't know what happened in there but I have never seen you this sad before. You're literally drinking your sadness away." He grabbed my chin. "I will literally hurt the dick that made you sad. I just want to see you happy and see that beautiful smile of yours". I blushed. Wow, who knew the badass hottie would have such a way with words.

"Thanks Jack" he stared into my eyes for a long time. Like he longed for something, but once he realised that I noticed he quickly looked away.


A/N: surprise!!! Who knew i'de actually write a long chapter right?

Poor Grace. Seeing her crush with someone else :(

And is Jack falling for Grace??

And Grace falling for Jack??

Omgaashhhh such a twist.
(You know what to do next)


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