chapter 3

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As I walk into the gates of the school my friends Amber and Andrea came running to me. Amber is 5'6 with long straight black hair and Andrea is shorter than all of us with shoulder length black wavy hair. They're both beautiful and they're netball players. Both of them have boyfriends and I'm the only loner. "Oh my gosh Gracey you're back! And don't worry his not here" she gives me a sympathetic look "Also you won't believe what just happened"

My face full of confusion and Amber didn't even give me a chance to respond.

"Cameron's cousin,I believe his name is Jack, just came to us to give you this" She handed me an envelope and I didn't hesitate to open it then and there.

My eyes scan over the paper that was in my hands and my eyes widen.

It was an invitation to his 17th birthday party this saturday,but why would he invite me. I mean we've only spoken twice and it was nothing big.

"He said that we could come too" both of them started screaming and I couldn't help but laugh at them.

"Why are you two so happy? I thought you have boyfriends" and with that said I get slapped on the arm. "Ow. Why did you hit me?"

"Because dummy, you're crush is going to be there and we have to make you all pretty" they started screaming again and I couldn't help but do a victory dance with them

We walked to our first class and time went by so slowly. I sigh and think about the party on Saturday. I doubt anything will happen except the fact that I'm going to see my crush and he'll just walk past me like I'm invisible. When the school day was finally over I went over to Amber's house to do a project together

"So are you excited?" She grinned so widely it scared me.

"Uhm no not really" I shrugged and continued working on the project

"What? Why not?" I shrugged my shoulders. "He'll probably just walk past me and not even look at me you know. Just like at school. Same old, Same old." I heard Amber sigh. I bet she's tired of my negativity already and I don't blame her but it's the truth

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