"So do you really think this surgery is going to work?" I asked.

"Shut up." He said.

"What? Are you really mad at me for that? There's a million nurses walking around her, and I'm sure there's still a few left you haven't fucked yet."

"That's funny," he said.

"Yeah, comedian was kinda my fall back job incase medical school went bad."

"Huh." he said.

We ended up going down to the OR with Derek to practice the surgery.

"Damn it!" Derek yelled, "Short thirty seconds. They're dead."

"So just try it again," I said.

"This is the eighth time. I'm calling this surgery off. It's to risky."

"Aw, come on Derek," Mark said, "We can do this. We just need to try something else."

"I'm not doing this surgery. It's too risky." Derek protested.

"Derek you're the best neurosurgeon in the country. If anyone can do this it's you," Mark continued.

"We're going to need to go at it a different way," He said, "But how?"

"I was researching the Ganga & Jamuna Shreshta case. Two twins conjoined similar to Pete and Jake. They were much younger than them when separated but I think it could work." I said.

"Well let's see it then," Derek said.

Derek and Mark hovered over my shoulders as I pulled the case out of the file.

"Here," I said handing them the papers.

"This is a completely different approach than we were planning," Derek said.

"I know, but look. They made it out without any problems. They can walk and everything, and it should give you more time to get them separated and work on them." I said.

"I don't know," Derek shook his head.

"Derek, I say we go through with this," Mark said.

"This is gonna have to push the surgery back a few days," Derek sighed.

"Well right now we have no surgery so it's either this or nothing," I said.

"Alright. Let me go talk to Jake and Pete," Derek said.

"Yes!" I shouted.

"Don't get too excited yet," he said, before walking off.

"Good job Dixon," Mark said.

I smiled. I was proud of myself. I hated to admit it but I was, "Thank you."

"I'm feeling like a coffee," he said.

My face started to burn up. I just found this case and basically save his and Derek's ass and now he wants me to go get him a coffee. I was sick of being pushed around by him I was about to go off, "Look I already told you I'm done running little errands for you, I'm a doctor. Not a servant."

"I was thinking you would get coffee with me," he said.

"Oh. Right," I said, a little embarrassed.

"Well come on," he said.

I sat up and followed him the short ways down to the cafeteria. I was starting to see a different side of Mark. There was something more to him. He wasn't just as a good-looking, horny jackass.

"What would you like?" He asked.

"Hmm," I said, pursing my lips slightly, "I really fucking hate coffee so."

For A Reason {Mark Sloan} - COMPLETED -Where stories live. Discover now