Wish Realms and Uncertainty

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*Swan CaptainGuyliner InDaHood TheOnlyQueen SnowWhite PrinceCharming BookLover14 MrDarkOne and TheKid have been added to the conversation*

TheOnlyQueen: guys I found what hook looks like when he looks in the mirror in the morning

CaptainGuyliner: I look flawless💁


PrinceCharming: it's so realistic I cannot even

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PrinceCharming: it's so realistic I cannot even


TheOnlyQueen: umm I am trapped here too

CaptainGuyliner: yeah but no one here cares about you

InDaHood: I do

Swan: KILLIAN thank the lord I have missed you!!

CaptainGuyliner: what is that supposed to mean and I not in this wish realm?

Swan: not....yet

CaptainGuyliner: rude

Swan: it was the evil queen's wish not mine babe

Swan: my parents were in there

PrinceCharming: take that Hook

Swan: and they were old

CaptainGuyliner: you were saying grandpa charming

TheKid: Grandpa Charming

Swan: and Henry you became a knight

TheKid: CAN I PLEASE COME TO THIS WOSH REALM I wanna be a knight

TheKid: Hen Hen the knight
Never backing down from a fight
He wins and saves the day
Things always go his way
Hen hen the knight!

TheKid: my theme song

TheKid: I just came up with that

TheOnlyQueen: I am so proud son

Swan: and then someone else showed up in this universe thing

CaptainGuyliner: ME

MrDarkOne: she literally just said that you didn't show up and you weren't there it was obviously me

Swan: actually you were back to your normal creepy self and you were doing what creepy skin rumple does and that would be destroying towns

BookLover14: then I showed up because I am the only one you haven't said anything about

Swan: no sorry Belle

BookLover14: I am never involved in the main plot

CaptainGuyliner: except that your son is going to kill my lover.....

Swan: what

CaptainGuyliner: what?

Swan: you said 'son is going to kill my lover' and I just so happen to be your lover

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