Remember when....

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*Everyone has been added to the conversation*

Swan: Remember when we didn't remember each other at all

TheKid: I knew who all of you were😊

SnowWhite: We were like best friends

TheOnlyQueen: Remember when me and Emma hated each other

InDaHood: You hated each other?

CaptainGuyliner: Lol I would have loved to have seen that

TheKid: Remember when I got poisoned by my mom

SeaWitch: Which one?

IceQueen: Not Emma!

TheKid: Regina

SmilesAreCool: Regina you poisoned the poor child?!

TheOnlyQueen: Yes, but it was intended for Ms. Swan

IceMan: Like that is any better! You were going to poison her!

TheOnlyQueen: I told you we hated each other!

ThatOtherDragon: You guys have complicated pasts

PrinceCharming: Tell me about it😒

CaptainGuyliner: You were going to put my Swan under a sleeping curse?

SmilesAreCool: Angry boyfriend alert!!

TheOnlyQueen: Yes, but true loves kiss could have woken her up

CaptainGuyliner: From me right?😏

SnowWhite: You weren't even in Storybrooke at that time

TheOnlyQueen: Remember that time I crushed Graham's heart

Swan: You what?!

SnowWhite: I though he just dropped dead!

PrinceCharming: In the Sheriff's station, right?

ThatDragon: I knew Regina still had a dark side

BookLover14: Wait you killed Graham?


CaptainGuyliner: Who is this Graham person?

SnowWhite: Emma's ex-boyfriend you could say

CaptainGuyliner: Swan, I thought you have only dated me, Neal, and the flying monkey?

IceQueen: You dated a flying monkey?

InDaHood: Gosh! How many of your boyfriends have died Emma?

Swan: All 4

IceMan: But Hook is still alive

IceQueen: Is Hook dead?😭😭

SeaWitch: Is he finally dead?

Swan: He did die, but he came back to life

SmilesAreCool: What?! How is that even possible?!

Swan: Long story, Regina I can't believe you killed Graham

TheOnlyQueen: Sorry?

PrinceCharming: Remember when Emma broke the curse and we all got our memories back

PuppyFur123: Excuse me, you had your memories taken away?

SnowWhite: Yeah, but Emma saved us

Swan: Regina you killed Graham?

InDaHood: So none of you remembered who you were?

PrinceCharming: Nope

SnowQueen: Basically what I did for that one curse and you were all trying to kill each other

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