Back from Vacation

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*TheOnlyQueen InDaHood Swan CaptainGuyliner SnowWhite PrinceCharming MrDarkOne BookLover14 TheKid have been added to the conversation*

TheOnlyQueen: Are all of you back from vacation?

PrinceCharming: I'm back

SnowWhite: I am back

Swan: Guess who's back back

CaptainGuyliner: Back again

BookLover14: I'm here

MrDarkOne: Guess who's here here

MrDarkOne: Here again

InDaHood: What was that?

MrDarkOne: Hook and Emma did it! I'm trying to be cool

Swan: It's an actual song

CaptainGuyliner: Swan, taught it to me in Hawaii

TheOnlyQueen: Wait, where's Henry?

TheKid: I'm right here mom!

TheOnlyQueen: Yes, but where are you?

TheKid: Right here

TheOnlyQueen: Where is your location on this planet?

TheKid: Oh, I'm still in Florida

TheOnlyQueen: Why are you still there?

TheKid: Because you left me here


*TheOnlyQueen has left the conversation*

Swan: Kid, what have you been doing in Florida?

TheKid: Partying

BookLover14: You threw a party?

CaptainGuyliner: Nice move lad!

Swan: Killian!

MrDarkOne: Why was I not invited?

PrinceCharming: You threw a party in a hotel room

TheKid: It was actually our own personal beach condo

SnowWhite: And who showed up

TheKid: Like every 14 year old in Florida and I think there were some 16 year olds too

Swan: Henry, after Regina grounds you,  I am re-grounding you!

TheKid: Who said I was getting grounded?!

Swan: Me!

TheKid: Regina never said that I was grounded!

*TheOnlyQueen has re-entered the conversation*

TheOnlyQueen: You're grounded

*TheOnlyQueen has left the conversation*

TheKid: What?! How did she even get back into the conversation! Why am I even grounded?!

Swan: Because you threw a party at a beach condo with no parental supervision!

TheKid: So.....

Swan: So, your grounded!

TheKid: WHAT! Not fair! I was just having a little fun!

CaptainGuyliner: Swan, the lad was just trying to enjoy himself by throwing a little party with him and his friends

Swan: What friends? All his friends live up in Storybrooke all the way in Maine!

TheKid: I also bought 5 gallons of ice cream

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