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*TheKid Swan CaptainGuyliner InDaHood TheOnlyQueen SnowWhite PrinceCharming MrDarkOne and BookLover14 have been added to the conversation*

TheKid: FRIENDS, romans, countrymen
Lend me your ears!!

InDaHood: what are romans

CaptainGuyliner: they are the people at the bottom of the ship who row the boats, duh the ro-mans

InDaHood: oooo i get it

Swan: not exactly

TheKid: I am sorry we are reading Julius Caesar in class

TheKid: that has been stuck in my brain since 7 o'clock yesterday morning the #struggle

MrDarkOne: you have a brain?

TheKid: I do unlike you

TheKid: do I look like the scarecrow to you

MrDarkOne: You do scare me every time I look at you

TheKid: okay grandpa

SnowWhite: Henry you haven't been to school in forever

TheOnlyQueen: WHAT

TheKid: i'm sorry mom, I've been busy lately trying to get you out of a wish realm

TheOnlyQueen: school is still important

TheKid: but you are more important

SnowWhite: awwwwwww😍

SnowWhite: that was cute

TheOnlyQueen: you still need to go to school

TheKid: ugh you are the worst

TheOnlyQueen: sorry I care about your future

TheOnlyQueen: back me up here Emma

TheOnlyQueen: hello

TheOnlyQueen: Emma?

Swan: what I read my name what's happening

TheOnlyQueen: are you even paying attention

Swan: what? Ohh no not really

Swan: I am trying to cook breakfast for Henry and Killian

TheKid: this is why you are my favorite mom you make me food

BookLover14: I have lots of good books on food

SnowWhite: why are you trying to cook? There is takeout for a reason

PrinceCharming: are you making the pancakes I taught you how to make and made for you

CaptainGuyliner: you never made me pancakes

PrinceCharming: she is my daughter I missed 28 years of making pancakes for her

MrDarkOne: why y'all making pancakes? Waffles are the way to go

CaptainGuyliner: waffles?

TheKid: how about waffle fries? Now those are good

MrDarkOne: no fries just waffles

TheKid: what about waffles and chicken, now it sounds gross but it's actually good

PrinceCharming: pancakes are better than waffles

MrDarkOne: Pancakes are flat, sad, and lifeless

BookLover14: wow! You just described yourself rumple

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