Bagels and Fire

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*BookLover14 MrDarkOne InDaHood TheOnlyQueen Swan CaptainGuyliner PrinceCharming TheKid and SnowWhite have been added to the conversation*


CaptainGuyliner: Yo lad

Swan: Hey kid :)

TheOnlyQueen: Hello my darling angel kid

MrDarkOne: Hello my favorite grandson

PrinceCharming: More like only grandson

MrDarkOne: He's your only grandson too Dave

BookLover14: I have some news guys.....

SnowWhite: YAYYY I love news, well not bad news! But good news!

InDaHood: Oh please not this again...

TheOnlyQueen: Can I start guessing again?

Everyone but TheOnlyQueen: NOOOO!

TheOnlyQueen: Awww you guys are no fun

Swan: Say your news Belle

BookLover14: Let's just say there is a bun in the oven

CaptainGuyliner: Bun as in bread? I love bread

TheOnlyQueen: Can he honestly be that stupid?

CaptainGuyliner: You better not leave it in there too long because this one time I was cooking bread in Regina's oven, I think you people call them rolls, anyway I set the oven on fire

TheOnlyQueen: why were you in my house?

CaptainGuyliner: Yeah, the oven like exploded! But it's okay Emma fixed it

PrinceCharming: Why were you using Regina's oven?

CaptainGuyliner: Why weren't you using Regina's oven, Dave?

PrinceCharming: Would everyone please stop calling me Dave!

CaptainGuyliner: Dave!

MrDarkOne: Dave

TheOnlyQueen: Dave

InDaHood: Dave

TheKid: Dave

Swan: Dave

BookLover14: Dave

SnowWhite: Dave

PrinceCharming: Haha very funny guys! Cut it out

TheKid: Okay Uncle Joey

BookLover14: Okayyyyyyy back to me guys

Swan: Share your news Belle

BookLover14: I am pregnant

MrDarkOne: Hahahahaha! That's funny sweetie

BookLover14: Rumple I am not joking, I am expecting a child......our child

MrDarkOne: Belle, I am going to be a father again?

CaptainGuyliner: Congrats Belle, but Rumple is probably going to mess this fatherhood opportunity too just like he did with Baelfire

TheKid: Lol his name looks like bagelfire

MrDarkOne: I loved my son

CaptainGuyliner: He wanted to leave you, he ended up on me ship

TheKid: Bagels Are Fire🔥🔥

TheKid: If my dad ever comes back to life somehow just like Hook for the 3rd time, his username in these chats should be BagelsAreFire

Once Upon A Time Texts जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें