Good or Bad News?

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*Swan CaptainGuyliner PrinceCharming SnowWhite TheKid TheOnlyQueen InDaHood BookLover14 have been added to the conversation*

Swan: Guys I have some news......

SnowWhite: News?

PrinceCharming: What kind a news?

InDaHood: Please let it be good news

TheOnlyQueen: No bad news, I need a good laugh for today

TheKid: everything okay?

MrDarkOne: I also have news!!

BookLover14: Rumple, be fair it's Emma's turn to give the news and ask questions, everyone deserves a turn

CaptainGuyliner: Swan, what is it? Are you hurt? Swan TALK TO ME!!

PrinceCharming: Calm down Hook

CaptainGuyliner: I will not calm down my poor Swan is in trouble

BookLover14: I am sure she is fine!!

SnowWhite: Maybe she got a job promotion!!

InDaHood: She is her boss though

PrinceCharming: Hey I am the deputy!!

TheOnlyQueen: Maybe her and Hook are getting married

PrinceCharming: MARRIED


SnowWhite: Married😍

BookLover14: Yayyy a wedding!!

CaptainGuyliner: Swan, we are getting married?

MrDarkOne: Why does the pirate always get he wants?

PrinceCharming: Why are you asking her if you are getting married! You should know, you are supposed to propose to her or did she propose to you because you are too old Fashioned?!

SnowWhite: David calm down! Don't you want your daughter to be happy?!

BookLover14: Emma deserves to be happy!

TheKid: You going to marry my mom?

CaptainGuyliner: Yeah, I would like too

TheKid: But.............but..................

*TheKid has left the conversation*

MrDarkOne: I am your dad

BookLover14: You are his grandfather

MrDarkOne: Same thing!!

PrinceCharming: Yeah, Hook you aren't his dad!!

SnowWhite: Henry just came out of nowhere with that!

CaptainGuyliner: I realize that I am not his dad Dave! And I never proposed to Emma! She is not ready to take that next step yet. Besides, Regina is just starting rumors to feel better about herself!!

InDaHood: Hey!! Back off my girl!

TheOnlyQueen: I am not! But if you didn't propose, then maybe she is pregnant!

PrinceCharming: PREGNANT😲😲

InDaHood: Oh brother, Dave has found the emojis too

BookLover14: Yayy another baby

MrDarkOne: YAYYY I love babies

CaptainGuyliner: Swan, you are pregnant! I am going to be a father?

PrinceCharming: Let's hope you are the father!!

SnowWhite: another grandkid!! YAYYY

CaptainGuyliner: Why would I not be the father?!

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