Ice Cream and Harry Potter

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*BookLover14 Swan TheOnlyQueen SnowWhite CaptainGuyliner InDaHood PrinceCharming MrDarkOne and TheKid have been added to the conversation*

MrDarkOne: What is your favorite ice cream?

Swan: Really with the questions again?

SnowWhite: Vanilla

PrinceCharming: Cookies 'n' Cream

CaptainGuyliner: I have never tried this ice cream before!

*SnowQueen has added herself to the conversation*

SnowQueen: that is a crime! I AM BRINGING YOU SOME ICE CREAM RIGHT NOW!!

Swan: Killian, don't eat it!

*SnowQueen has left the conversation*

PrinceCharming: How did she even get in here?

InDaHood: No idea, but I enjoy chocolate ice cream

TheOnlyQueen: Me Too! #twins

Swan: Killian do not each the ice cream, do you want me to come over there and protect you?

CaptainGuyliner: Nah, I'm good

SnowWhite: Go Harry Go!

PrinceCharming: What?

Swan: What?

TheKid: What?

TheOnlyQueen: What?

InDaHood: Hey Hook, why is your name Killian?

BookLover14: And who are your parents?

PrinceCharming: Yeah, who are you and who are they?

CaptainGuyliner: Well, my name is Killian because that is what my parents named me and I have no idea who my parents are

Swan: Awwwww, my poor baby!

TheOnlyQueen: Yes, that is terrible

PrinceCharming: At least he didn't kill his father

TheOnlyQueen: Hey! At least my father wasn't a monster!

CaptainGuyliner: Though I did have a brother

Swan: I have a brother too!

BookLover14: At least your father didn't kidnap you

MrDarkOne: At least your father wasn't Peter Pan

CaptainGuyliner: I hated that guy

Swan: I hated him too, but he was kind-of cute

CaptainGuyliner: Hey! Boyfriend offended again and he is older than me!

TheOnlyQueen: I don't think that is possible for someone to be older than you

MrDarkOne: Gross! He was my father!

BookLover14: He was cute, in a bad guy sort-of way

MrDarkOne: Belle! He was your father-in-law

BookLover14: Was, and I am single so I can say it

SnowWhite: Way to go Harry!

PrinceCharming: Who is Harry?

Swan: Sorry Hook, Peter is cute and you are hot

InDaHood: Peter Pan is Rumple's dad?

TheOnlyQueen: Yes, yes he is

InDaHood: And Emma you fell in love with Rumple's son Neal, had Henry, and then fell for Captain Hook who stole Rumple's wife, which is the mother of the man you were in love with and then had Henry with. Then Regina adopted Henry, Regina is the step-mother of Snow White and the mother-in-law of Charming who had you Emma, which you then had Henry.

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