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*Swan CaptainGuyliner TheKid InDaHood TheOnlyQueen SnowWhite PrinceCharming MrDarkOne and BookLover14 have been added to the conversation*

BookLover14: How do you forgive yourself if you have doomed someone for eternity?

MrDarkOne: You don't you just run!!

Swan: Belle, what did you do?

TheOnlyQueen: She is the sweet and innocent one here, if she did something bad and cannot forgive herself, the rest of us have no hope

InDaHood: What happened?


MrDarkOne: I'm still here dearie

CaptainGuyliner: Narts! I was hoping you were dead!

MrDarkOne: Says the dead one

MrDarkOne: Lol instead of the Dark One

MrDarkOne: You're the Dead One

CaptainGuyliner: That's not funny

CaptainGuyliner: I am fixing to make you the Dead One

SnowWhite: Belle what happened while I was being killed?


SnowWhite: I died in Emma's dream, but I is all good now

BookLover14: I pushed Gaston into the River of Lost Souls......

TheKid: Hahaha funny joke!!

InDaHood: Belle would never hurt anyone

TheOnlyQueen: You? hurt someone? HAHAHAAHA

BookLover14: No I really did push him into the river of lost souls, he was about to hit Rumple with an arrow and I pushed him and well he fell in

MrDarkOne: I was there I saw the whole thing

CaptainGuyliner: You should have let the arrow hit Rumple!

MrDarkOne: No!

CaptainGuyliner: Yes!

MrDarkOne: No!

CaptainGuyliner: if you were dead, it would have stopped a lot of my problems

Swan: And mine

SnowWhite: And mine

PrinceCharming: And mine

TheOnlyQueen: And mine

InDaHood: And mine

TheKid: And mine

BookLover14: well not mine at first until you killed my fiancé!!

Swan: Wait so Gold killed Gaston?

CaptainGuyliner: And then Belle pushed him into the river of lost souls

InDaHood: A couple who slays together, stays together

CaptainGuyliner: I love how all of Gold's ex's and wife's ex's are in the river of lost souls

MrDarkOne: You're not yet dearie


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