Ship Wars

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*BookLover14 MrDarkOne Swan CaptainGuyliner TheOnlyQueen InDaHood PrinceCharming and SnowWhite have been added to the conversation*

SnowWhite: Hey guys, guess what Charming did for me today?

TheOnlyQueen: Why should I care?

SnowWhite: He took care of Neal all day and then brought me out to eat dinner at a nice restaurant!

PrinceCharming: Anything for you!

CapatainGuyliner: Hey, that nice restaurant is me and Emma's place! Back off!

Swan: Mom, do you seriously have nothing to do that you texted us about what you did do?

SnowWhite: Yes, yes basically

TheOnlyQueen: Oh please, Robin set up a picnic dinner in my office by the fire.

InDaHood: That was very nice.

BookLover14: Me and Rumple got married in the forest.

Swan: Oh please Regina, Hook traded the Jolly Roger for me.

SnowWhite: He did?

PrinceCharming: He did?

InDaHood: He did?

MrDarkOne: He did?

CaptainGuyliner: Aye, yes I did and it was worth it.

BookLover14: Rumple you should take notes.

MrDarkOne: I was a great husband!

BookLover14: Oh right did you miss the part of our marriage where you gave me your fake dagger and went behind my back and lied to me. You ripped out Killian's heart and you were going to rid yourself of the dagger that I was supposed to have. Our whole marriage was based on a lie!

MrDarkOne: Well, if you put it that way.

TheOnlyQueen: Me and Robin go for walks in the moonlight.

Swan: Please, me and Killian go for walks in the morning and late night walks in one day.

SnowWhite: We don't really go on walks.

Swan: Killian brings me my coffee in the morning and I walk him to work.

TheOnlyQueen: Me and Robin would have been doing that except you brought Marian back who is actually Zelena, keeping him away from me!

CaptainGuyliner: Emma saved your butt by taking in the darkness that was consuming you. And here I was standing in the middle of the road watching David hold Mary Margret and Robin hold you! And where was my Swan, in the middle of darkness blob looking at me with her eyes and I felt terrible because I couldn't do anything to save her.

TheOnlyQueen: I had to deal with you and Emma making eyes, holding hands, and making out.

PrinceCharming: Please don't talk about that in front of me.

Swan: At least we were cute.

BookLover14: OMG! We should make up ship names for each other.

Swan: A what?

SnowWhite: What is that?

CaptainGuyliner: Like the Jolly Roger?

BookLover14: No, I was in the library.......

SnowWhite: We have a library?

BookLover14: Yes, we have a library! Anyway, I was reading a book and I discovered that when two people are dating and they are really cute together you take their names and you put them together and make a ship name.

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