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*Swan CaptainGuyliner InDaHood TheOnlyQueen BookLover14 MrDarkOne SnowWhite PrinceCharming and TheKid have been added to the conversation*

TheKid: The holidays are over, and we are coming up to a new year and I haven't even accomplished anything in 2015

TheOnlyQueen: That's not true! You saved all of us from that alternate universe

Swan: Yeah, and you helped get rid of darkness

TheKid: Big whoop

CaptainGuyliner: Guys, I want some McDonald's fries! I am starving!!

MrDarkOne: Oh you poor unfortunate soul

CaptainGuyliner: Don't even go there

InDaHood: I think he did

PrinceCharming: Why can't everyone just be smiling and happy?

SnowWhite: I am always :)

Swan: Yeahhhhh right!

CaptainGuyliner: Guys, I have been working on some jokes!

TheOnlyQueen: Oh brother here we go

CaptainGuyliner: Swan, did it hurt?

Swan: When?

CaptainGuyliner: When you fell through the time portal

TheKid: It is bad if I kind of like that one?

TheOnlyQueen: Yes!

CaptainGuyliner: Mirror mirror on the wall, Regina's the ugliest of them all

TheOnlyQueen: Hey!

InDaHood: Watch it pirate.......

CaptainGuyliner: Hey what is Rumple's heart made out of?

BookLover14: What?

CaptainGuyliner: Gold

PrinceCharming: Are these like bad fairytale jokes?

CaptainGuyliner: Pretty much

TheKid: I got one, Why can't you let Elsa hold a balloon?

TheOnlyQueen: Why?

TheKid: Because she would Let It Go

Swan: What's the Snow Queen's favorite kind of ice cream?

Swan: Rocky Road

TheOnlyQueen: Okay enough with the stupid jokes!

InDaHood: You're such a party pooper babe

TheOnlyQueen: Actually that is Hook

TheKid: How many Mexicans does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

TheKid: Juan

Swan: Why are you so obsessed with Mexicans child?

TheKid: No idea, no idea mom

MrDarkOne: I'm the dark one

CaptainGuyliner: Thanks for letting us know Gold

BookLover14: Tell me something I don't know....

PrinceCharming: I am actually not a real prince

BookLover14: What?

PrinceCharming: you said to tell you something that you don't know

SnowWhite: Hook, I think you need to start your own makeup line!

Swan: Mom, are you crazy?!

CaptainGuyliner: Makeup line?

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