A Very Very Strange Case

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*Swan CaptainGuyliner InDaHood TheOnlyQueen SnowWhite PrinceCharming MrDarkOne BookLover14 and TheKid have been added to the conversation*

BookLover14: Rumple I have had it with you locking me in some cage like I am your pet JUST LEAVE

TheKid: I think you mean just do it

PrinceCharming: I know this

PrinceCharming: that would be Nike

TheKid: how do you know that?

PrinceCharming: I bought some Nike shoes because we always running chasing something

SnowWhite: Nike means victory

SnowWhite: after the guy ran 26 miles and then shouted Nike to say that Athens had won and then dropped dead


PrinceCharming: why are you telling us useless information

SnowWhite: I am sorry I am in school teacher mode

TheKid: speaking of that

TheKid: grandma basically almost killed us at school by shooting a bow and arrow

SnowWhite: I did not kill you!

TheKid: I said almost

SnowWhite: says the one who got a kiss from a certain little lady friend

CaptainGuyliner: way to go Henry!

CaptainGuyliner: did she kiss you? You kiss her? And in public, my man

PrinceCharming: Killian we do not support this!

CaptainGuyliner: I support it #violetbeliverforever

TheKid: thank you Killian this is why you are my favorite

Swan: question for gold, what is with the hair cut🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

CaptainGuyliner: yeah why did we cut our hair

MrDarkOne: I wanted to change

CaptainGuyliner: funny thing is, we can change the outside but what's on the inside still remains

MrDarkOne: you know funny thing is, Hyde told me that

MrDarkOne: and I still have the same reaction...


Swan: speaking of Hyde

Swan: and his better half

Swan: or should I call him the worse half

MrDarkOne: they were both creepy I am glad they are gone thank you hook

BookLover14: yeah thank you Killian for saving me :)

CaptainGuyliner: of course love, someone has to protect you the right way

MrDarkOne: I protected her with my eyes

CaptainGuyliner: what

MrDarkOne: I made sure I was watching her every move as she was being attacked on your ship and I could do nothing

TheKid: ONG

TheKid: ONG

TheKid: OMG

TheKid: I just realized that way back whenever Killian had to watch while Rumple killed his love and Rumple had to watch his love almost get killed but Killian saved her

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