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*BookLover14 MrDarkOne Swan SnowWhite CaptainGuyliner PrinceCharming InDaHood TheOnlyQueen and TheKid have been added to the conversation*

InDaHood: Hey guys, so who is going to the ball tonight?

Swan: Ball, what ball?

TheKid: Like the football game, I am so excited for our football team to play!

TheOnlyQueen: Uhhhh Henry I think he means like a Ball, like a dance

CaptainGuyliner: Been there, done that

Swan: ^^^^same

PrinceCharming: Young lady when did you go to a ball?

Swan: With Prince Charles

SnowWhite: Who?

BookLover14: Who is that exactly?

MrDarkOne: What?

CaptainGuyliner: Haha! I get it!

InDaHood: Anyway, back to the ball..... I am so excited to go with my favorite gal!

TheOnlyQueen: I am excited to go with you!

BookLover14: Why a ball?

SnowWhite: Because we are stuck in Camelot at the moment and they are throwing a ball to welcome us

MrDarkOne: Because we are that cool😎

PrinceCharming: Gold, you aren't even here! Wait aren't you supposed to be in a coma?

BookLover14: Yeah, how are you texting?

MrDarkOne: Ummm....ummmm...... It's the VooDoo Magic

SnowWhite: I haven't been to a ball in forever!

TheKid: For the first time in forever!

Swan: NO kid please no more singing that song, it is so old

BookLover14: So guys, Merlin is in a tree lol

CaptainGuyliner: How do you get put into a tree is my question?

PrinceCharming: But trees are cool

MrDarkOne: Like me😎

PrinceCharming: They allow you to breathe

Swan: But how does a great powerful person like Merlin get stuck in a tree?

TheKid: Gold probably put him there

MrDarkOne: Probably

Swan: That make sense

PrinceCharming: And. How about King Author, now he is an awesome dude

BookLover14: He is really nice

InDaHood: Too nice

TheOnlyQueen: I think he is up to something

PrinceCharming: Well, I trust him

SnowWhite: David you just met him

Swan: Hey I felt like I could trust Hook in less than 10 hours


TheOnlyQueen: What, what is wrong Robin?!

InDaHood: Some....some....some thing has just picked me up! It looks like some giant beast!

TheOnlyQueen: NOT MY MAN! Hang on Robin!

InDaHood: I am really trying!

SnowWhite: Robin, what is happening?

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