On Vacation

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WARNING: This chapter is about everyone on their vacation and up above are some edits that I made of pictures from their vacation and that they sent in the group chat and for my own personal enjoyment and yours

*CaptainGuyliner Swan TheOnlyQueen InDaHood TheKid SnowWhite PrinceCharming BookLover14 and MrDarkOne have been added to the conversation*

BookLover14: Hey guys! How is your vacation going? We are having so much fun! *sends picture*

PrinceCharming: I never knew skiing could be so much fun!

CaptainGuyliner: Lol Dave you can actually ski?! You look like you are okay to fall off the cliff!

PrinceCharming: Hey! I am a great skier!

SnowWhite: He only fell down the mountain 20 times and off the mountain twice!

CaptainGuyliner: Hahahaha! Way to go Dave!

PrinceCharming: SNOW! He wan't supposed to know that!

SnowWhite: Sorry!

TheOnlyQueen: We having a great time! *sends pic of her and Robin and Henry*

TheKid: We having a blast!

BookLover14: Why are you on your laptop in a blanket on the beach?

TheKid: My mom wouldn't let me watch Netflix in the hotel room so I brought it down to the beach and watched Netflix

SnowWhite: With a blanket?

TheKid: It was cold!

InDaHood: It was like 96 degrees!

TheKid: I only did it for one day! Because yesterday Regina like threatened me with a fireball if I did it again! So today I am just sitting on the beach texting you guys today!

SnowWhite: Regina!

CaptainGuyliner: Don't harm the poor lad!

MrDarkOne: I am having a great time!

TheOnlyQueen: Gold, where did you go?

CaptainGuyliner: Who would invite you anywhere?

MrDarkOne: *sends pic of alligator with a hand in it* Louisiana and I am enjoying myself!

CaptainGuyliner: Is that my hand?

MrDarkOne: Yup

CaptainGuyliner: You gave it to a crocodile?!

TheKid: The irony there!

MrDarkOne: Alligator!

CaptainGuyliner: you just ruined my vacation! I was having a nice one with my Swan!


SnowWhite: Ummmm Gold?

MrDarkOne: Yes Dearie?

SnowWhite: Aren't you supposed to be babysitting my kid?

CaptainGuyliner: Ohhhhh you're going to get it now!

MrDarkOne: Don't worry Ruby is taking care of him!

SnowWhite: Okay!

CaptainGuyliner: Seriously you are going to believe that? She is lost or dead?!

SnowWhite: Yes! She is one of my friends!

InDaHood: Wait...... speaking of kids

TheKid: I'm right here Robin!

InDaHood: No, my actual kid! ROLAND!

TheKid: I am offended by you sir!

TheOnlyQueen: Shhhh Henry! We just left a kid by himself for 3 days!

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