The Love Game

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*Swan CaptainGuyliner InDaHood TheOnlyQueen PrinceCharming SnowWhite TheKid BookLover14 and MrDarkOne have been added to the conversation*

TheKid: Y'all it's almost Valentine's Day and I am alone once again

Swan: It's okay Henry, you don't need a girl until you are at least 39

TheKid: Mom! That is not even an acceptable number

TheOnlyQueen: You're right it should go higher, 52

TheKid: That is even worse

CaptainGuyliner: I can help you get a date lad😉

TheOnlyQueen: You most certainly will not

PrinceCharming: It's okay Henry, love is something to look forward to yes, but enjoy your single days

SnowWhite: What is that supposed to mean?

PrinceCharming: It ummm it enjoy.........being young.........and free from the troubles of love

SnowWhite: What are the troubles of love?

PrinceCharming: Always having to buy a Valentine's Day gift

SnowWhite: You should buy me gifts all the time

PrinceCharming: I do.......the gift of myself

BookLover14: Love should not be taken for granted

MrDarkOne: You should love and support your lover

TheKid: I feel like this is ship wars all over again.........

CaptainGuyliner: The Jolly Roger would totally win

BookLover14: Wrong ship

CaptainGuyliner: The Rolly Joger would totally win

BookLover14: It's the same ship, just the drunk name for it

CaptainGuyliner: For HER Belle, and maybe I should just rename HER to Rolly Joger

Swan: can I start a petition for that?

TheKid: I'd sign it, Rolly Joger is a cool name

TheOnlyQueen: And you see that Henry is what true love looks like.... A pirate and his ship

CaptainGuyliner: +the pirate's hot girlfriend

Swan: Umm I should replace the ship not be added to it

BookLover14: Valentine's Day is overrated, why should you buy presents and tell your lover you love them on just one day?

Swan: Amen

SnowWhite: Preach Belle, preach! 🙌🏽

CaptainGuyliner: I brought a flower to our date once Swan

CaptainGuyliner: And I brought you your coffee

CaptainGuyliner: And I gave you a ring

PrinceCharming: Excuse me, you have her a what?

CaptainGuyliner: Ring

PrinceCharming: NOOOO NEVER EMMA NO! DO NOT DO IT why was I not informed of this earlier!! AHHH, okay Mary Margret you need to kidnap Emma and then we will take her to Hawaii, maybe even China! Dang it we can't do that because now he knows we are about to do that!! AHHH just Emma think about this sweetheart, but there is no time to think! PLEASE DO NOT DO IT!!! DO NOT MARRY HIM YOU ARE TOO YOUNG

Swan: Dad relax, it's not an engagement ring, it's just a ring that belonged to his brother that he gave to me

PrinceCharming; man that was close, glad no one freaked out

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