Storybrooke Problems

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*BookLover14 Swan CaptainGuyliner TheOnlyQueen InDaHood MrDarkOne TheKid SnowWhite and PrinceCharming have been added to the conversation*

BookLover14: Hey guys! How is life?

Swan: Dark

MrDarkOne: Hi Belle, I am great thanks for asking sweetheart!😘

CaptainGuyliner: Lonely, Depressing, sad

PrinceCharming: Sad

SnowWhite: Sad

TheOnlyQueen: Happy and guilty

InDaHood: Happy and challenging

TheKid: Sad, confused, lonely

TheOnlyQueen: Why is Storybrooke so boring?

SnowWhite: It's not boring, it's exciting, we always have a villain to defeat

TheOnlyQueen: Yeah, but when we don't have a villain, there is nothing to do in this town! Our tourism has gone down by 80%!

PrinceCharming: We live in a cursed town in the middle of no where, that isn't even on the map! So yeah, I think our tourism is down

Swan: He's got a point, no one just wanders into Storybrooke

CaptainGuyliner: I just came in on me ship

TheOnlyQueen: Yeah, with my mother! And then you started helping Greg and Tamara! And you had a part in torturing me to get information!

Swan: Killian!

CaptainGuyliner: Yeah and right before that you betrayed me!

Swan: Regina!

CaptaimGuyliner: And you tried to lock me down under the library in that room with the dragon Maleficent!

Swan: Regina!

SnowWhite: We need more attractions here

TheKid: Woah! Grandma! This ain't Disney world!

BookLover14: Disney World?

MrDarkOne: Another World that I
have to take over

PrinceCharming: What happened to the nice Gold

BookLover14: I think that was just a phase cause now he is all evil again

Swan: We need a Starbucks

CaptainGuyliner: A what?

InDaHood: What is that?


Swan: It's a coffee shop

CaptainGuyliner: But I always bring you coffee from Granny's

Swan: It's like 10x better thank Granny's

TheOnlyQueen: We need a shopping mall too

SnowWhite: I need knew clothes

Swan: Malls are cool

TheKid: Yeah, we really do need a mall

PrinceCharming: And I want to build a castle here, how do we pay for all this?!

Swan: We need like a McDonalds or something

BookLover14: Is that food?

Swan: Yeah

CaptainGuyliner: We can go on date there Swan

Swan: Yeah we can

PrinceCharming: No you can't

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