Strange things did happen here

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*BookLover14 MrDarkOne InDaHood TheOnlyQueen CaptainGuyliner SnowWhite Swan and PrinceCharming have been added to the conversation*

SnowWhite: Do you ever just wish you were a bird and you could fly away from your problems?

Swan: Yes, yes I do

PrinceCharming: Quite often actually

BookLover14: All the time

TheOnlyQueen: Yes, I dream about that all the time an where I would go

InDaHood: Same

CaptainGuyliner: I actually wish I was a dolphin and could ride off into the sun set with Emma

MrDarkOne: You people are strange I dream about ruining you all

TheKid: I dream about me growing up in fairytale land

SnowWhite: Been there, done that, it's not as fun as it seems

PrinceCharming: True Dat!

TheOnlyQueen: It has it's perks!

CaptainGuyliner: Like what?

InDaHood: you get to dress in cool clothes

BookLover14: So exciting....

Swan: Okay, so guys I bought a shirt the other day!

TheOnlyQueen: What kind of shirt?

Swan: Is hook still here?

CaptainGuyliner: Aye, love right here

Swan: Oh no! Someone is stealing the Jolly Roger! You better go and check it out!

CaptainGuyliner: NOT MY SHIP!

*CaptainGuyliner has left the conversation*

PrinceCharming: Yayy he is gone!

SnowWhite: Why did you make him leave?

TheOnlyQueen: I thought you two were madly in love just like me and Robin!

InDaHood: That's right we are madly in love!

Swan: Because I didn't want him to know what shirt I have

BookLover14: What kind of shirt do you have?

Swan: Okay, well it's a black tank top and it has a picture of Killian on the front holding his hook and it says 'I'm hooked'! I bought it because my boyfriend is really hot and he hooked me!

TheKid: Oh my goodness mom......

TheOnlyQueen: Why would you have that? You see the man everyday!

InDaHood: I have one too.

Swan: Excuse me?

TheOnlyQueen: What?!?!?!?!?!

PrinceCharming: I do too!

SnowWhite: David!

InDaHood: It was a dare from guys night out!

PrinceCharming: it was! We lost a best with Hook and we had to buy those t-shirts and where them for the rest of the night!

MrDarkOne: Why would you guys want a shirt with the pirate on it? Get a shirt with my face on it!

BookLover14: I have one too!

Swan: Does everyone have one?

TheKid: Okay, I have one but only because Emma bought me one it was a buy 1 get one free deal

SnowWhite: I have one and I use it to dust around the house because that's what Emma have me for Christmas last year

TheOnlyQueen: I have one.....because......because I am secretly obsessed with your boyfriend!

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