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*Swan CaptainGuyliner InDaHood TheOnlyQueen SnowWhite PrinceCharming TheKid MrDarkOne and BookLover14 have been added to the conversation*

TheOnlyQueen: Well I'm dead

Swan: Me too!

SnowWhite: Same Regina, same

InDaHood: Like dead as in physically or mentally or spiritually or Fangirlly

TheKid: What does my mom fangirl over?

CaptainGuyliner: Me😏

TheKid: I meant my other mom

InDaHood: Me!

TheOnlyQueen: We are physically trapped in the Underworld

Swan: Hades killed us

BookLover14: Wow.


BookLover14: No! Why?

MrDarkOne: Ummmmm no reason just don't talk to strangers or be abducted by anyone or don't go outta our house or don't go outta your room or don't go outta your bed! You know how about to move outta Storybrooke

BookLover14: Umm I'm good here

MrDarkOne: Actually, you really not

PrinceCharming: Guys! I have found a new app!!

Swan: what have you found this time dad?

PrinceCharming: Twitter

CaptainGuyliner: Twitter?

Swan: Dad, we have already found Twitter

PrinceCharming: Yeah, but I made an account now

TheOnlyQueen: Why?

PrinceCharming: So I can tweet my feelings

TheKid: Grandpa you DO NOT have Twitter

PrinceCharming: Yes I do son

MrDarkOne: WAITTTT are you 'charmattack24?

PrinceCharming: Yup that's me!

MrDarkOne: Why does your bio say 'Calvin Klein model'?

Swan: DAD!

PrinceCharming: What? People lie on social media all the time!

TheKid: You are no longer my grandpa

PrinceCharming: come on! You all have Twitters too!

Swan: I do! Mine is 'saviorswan'

CaptainGuyliner: mine is 'CaptainGuyliner'

TheOnlyQueen: Wow so original

InDaHood: mine is 'forest_bot'

Swan: Why Forest bot?

InDaHood: Forest boy was taken

SnowWhite: Mine is 'snow_is_cool'

TheKid: There is so much irony in that sentence

MrDarkOne: Mine is 'back_at_it_again_with_the_darkness'

TheKid: You are no longer my grandpa either

BookLover14: mine is 'belle_french'

TheKid: Thank you for being my only normal grandparent

TheOnlyQueen: mine is 'slay_your_life'

CaptainGuyliner: Is that your named cause you slayed aka killed almost everyone?

TheOnlyQueen: No, it's because I slay your life because I am perfection

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