The Savior, Dreams, and People Dying/coming back

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*TheKid Swan CaptainGuyliner InDaHood TheOnlyQueen SnowWhite PrinceCharming MrDarkOne WickedAlwaysWins and BookLover14 have been added to the conversation*

WickedAlwaysWins: I, once again, know something that you all don't hahahahahaha

TheOnlyQueen: oh not this again

TheOnlyQueen: who let you in here sis

WickedAlwaysWins: I left myself in sis because I know how to work a phone

WickedAlwaysWins: I am sorry are you upset Regina, scared someone else's true love will die and then you'll pin the blame on me


TheOnlyQueen: and if killing true loves is an option and the pirate go bye bye

PrinceCharming: Killian is no one's true love

Swan: well..........

PrinceCharming: you are right Emma, how could I forget the guyliner

PrinceCharming: I know! We'll put "Here lies Killian Jones, true love of Guyliner" on his tombstone brilliant idea Emma!

Swan: not what I meant dad

BookLover14: can someone take Rumple out of this conversation I am trying to stay away from him and not talk to him

MrDarkOne: YAY! We are making progress she said my name!

BookLover14: ugh he is talking to me now

MrDarkOne: hey I saved you from a sleeping curse

BookLover14: you can't be saved if you didn't need saving

BookLover14: I put myself in that sleeping curse

BookLover14: to protect my child

MrDarkOne: I think you mean our child, dear

BookLover14: ME CHILD

TheKid: wow all caps

TheKid: and improper grammar, intense

MrDarkOne: speaking of our child, have you told anyone about him

TheKid: how do you know it's a him?

TheKid: it could be a she

TheKid: it could be a him

TheKid: it's a shim

SnowWhite: a shim🤔

MrDarkOne: OUR CHILD IS GONNA BE THE god of dreams

CaptainGuyliner: what

MrDarkOne: whenever I saved Belle 

BookLover14: forcefully awoke

MrDarkOne: whatever.... whenever Belle woke up from the sleeping curse, before that I had to sprinkle powder on her to go inside her dream and in her dream my son was there and he is the god of dreams, Morpheus


CaptainGuyliner: rumple has a god for a son?

CaptainGuyliner: NOO NO NO NO NO

TheKid: that's legit

TheOnlyQueen: can I dream that Robin come back

InDaHood: right about that......

PrinceCharming: Rumple has a god for a son

PrinceCharming: #respect

Swan: sjsjhdjahshsjjdnd

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