Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to Tammy Fica

 It was dark. At least, what I saw was dark. Like any other normal person, I’ll get disoriented in the dark, just like whoever put me here wanted me to be. On my hands and knees, I started to crawl, looking for anything besides the hard, stone floor, which was starting to hurt my knees. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’d like to scream for help. But, do you really think that’s an option when you’re throat is swollen so bad you can hardly breathe? No. My knee caught on something, so, naturally, I grab at it. It’s sharp... not very large... glass? Picking it up, I toss it around between my hands. My ears were ringing, searching for any sound, to no avail. Bringing my strong arm back, I throw it. I throw it like I would back at my little high school, on the football field during the last seconds of a game, yearning for a teammate to catch, and score. Clink. I try to stand, but my head hits, what I guess was the ceiling. Who do they think I am? A 12 year-old pre-pubesent dweeb? Harsh. I know. So, my only choice was to get back on my hands and knees, and crawl towards the only audible sound. My shoulder brushed something... soft? That's the only way I can truly describe it. Reaching out, my fingers brushed nothing. 

“Go back to sleep.”  A harsh voice said in my ear, just as a blunt object connected with my skull.

My head hit a hard surface, and I kicked at the darkness. I was really tiring myself out, because my whole body started to ache.  Stopping for a moment, I let myself rest. It bit my leg. The only noise that escaped my mouth was a pathetic gasp, and I flung my arms at this thing. Whatever I had touched, it burned me. Like, what you’d see in the vampire flicks, Dracula cowering in fear from a cross, or anything holy. This beast was obviously far from holy. This was probably the worst day, or night of my life. Blood was dripping down the side of my head, I could feel it. The monster grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, and began to take me somewhere. The adrenaline was gone, leaving behind that melancholy ache in your joints. You’re going to die, Ryk, accept it.

“I’m glad you’re seeing things my way, down here.”

Down here? Where’s ‘down here’? I started to struggle. The beast laughed at me, and stopped, lifting me up. This can’t be happening. I thought. I was the guy who everybody looked up too. I was the guy who was never pushed around. But, now, I was just another object, nothing important. No value.

Put him down, Memkopfer.” A new voice hissed from the pitch-black fortress around me.

It growled, and dropped me like a piece of trash. That was it. I couldn’t take it anymore, my body had already had enough. All I knew was, that I had to keep my eyes open. If I closed my eyes, I didn’t know how worse the situation could be, as if it could get any more crappy. My ears were whirring, not allowing me to hear anything going on, and I felt someone say my name.

“Ryker. Ryker, stand up.”

“I.. I can’t.”

Wow. I sounded winded.

“Yes, you can. Stand up.” The voice commanded.

I pushed myself up onto my elbows, and I tried my hardest to stand. My legs are shaking, and I suddenly start to hope that whoever is talking to me isn’t a girl. I feel the person’s arm catch my upper body, and straighten me up.

“Thanks.” I cough.

The person doesn’t answer, and starts to help me walk through the pitch black space.

“Who are you?”

“You’re wheezing. Stop talking.”

Ah, so it was a girl. I was expecting her to be like one of those Italian moms on TV, urging you to do the best thing. So, I said nothing more to her. It was maybe about, 5 minutes later when my feet had started to drag. I tried my hardest not to make much noise, but hey, I was tired. She sighed heavily, and growled,

Keep moving.”

“But, I’m-”

“What did I tell you about not talking?”

“You told me I was-”


“But you asked me a question!” I yelled, exasperated that she was interrupting me.

Just to irritate me, she started to walk faster, making my ribs scream. I tried to get out of her grasp, but, she was stronger then I thought she would be. Maybe she’s a tranny. I thought. She stopped, letting me go.



“You think I’m a tranny.”

“How did you know? Wait- I mean-”

She put her hand into the wall, and turned. It opened up into a foggy field. I didn’t have time to ask where we were, because she asked me if I thought she really looked like a tranny. In fact, she didn’t. In my eyes, she was tall, stabbing dark eyes, and tumbling blond hair falling just above her shoulders. She’d be pretty if she wasn’t so mean. My dream girl. This was strange, since I’ve never known anyone that looks, or acts like her. Let alone my surroundings, which were also strange. I’ve had dreams about fields looking like this, but only in my nightmares. Those nightmares are the ones that I wake up in a cold sweat, and they stay in my memory for a long time.

“Well, do I, Ryker?”

“Uh.. No?” I answered, not knowing what really to say, since I didn’t pay attention to her question.

“Good choice. Now, are you just going to just stand there?”

“Where am I? Who are you?” I narrowed my eyes at her.

“I, am Indigo.” She responded.

This was getting freaky. You know why? Because I always wanted a girlfriend with a weird name. Not like I wanted her as my girlfriend, but... I’ll just shut up now. Indigo, now walking away from me, was whistling something from a distant memory. I jogged up next to her, flipping my tawny hair from my eyes. I’m guessing she was mad at me, because she walked faster, ahead of me.

“You mad?”

“No.” Indigo growled at me.

“Yeah, you obviously are. You’re not hard to read, you know.”

“How about this,” She spat at me, “You leave, and I go on living my life.”

“Well, I gladly would, but, seeing as I don’t know where I am, or how to get out of here...”

Indigo cocked her hand back, and slapped me in the mouth. I staggered back, and landed on my butt. Touching my mouth gingerly, I looked up at her. She glared, looking like an old school principle when you called another child a name, or threw a snowball at a staff member. As usual, she didn’t give me time to talk, and started to storm off.

“Wait! I don’t know where I am! I need help.” I called after her.

“Get your own help.” She hissed.

“Fine. I will. In fact, I hope I never see you again.”

“Good luck, Ryker, you’re going to need it.”

Then, she was gone.

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