-Christmas Special Chapter-

Start from the beginning

I looked at Katy and gasped, holding her back with the pillow so I could get off the bed before her. She grabbed ahold of my arm as I attempted to sprint out of the bedroom, but after a pretty strong pull I managed to get away. I laughed to myself at how great this morning was starting off, and how immature we were all being in this moment. Oh well, it’s Christmas.

I just about got out of the door when I could feel Katy on my heels, so close to me that I could hear her breaths in my ear. I got to the top of the stairs, seeing Oliver halfway down them already, but knowing there was a very possible chance I could catch up to him. I don’t think I would be able to overtake him, since he’s so much stronger and faster than me, but I had something else in mind. I picked up my speed down the stairs until I was just about behind my dad. Here was my chance to get to open the first present.

I took a huge leap off the step so that I landed straight onto his back. My arms wrapped tightly around his neck and he grabbed ahold of my legs so I didn’t fall.

“Come on kiddo, let’s do this!” He says to me with a smile.

“Hey,” Katy wines behind us, “no fair!”

“Quick, quick, quick!” I shout, seeing my mom now not far behind us.

My dad runs into the front room and stops just under the huge archway at the entrance of the room. As my chin rests on his shoulder, I look ahead of me in complete awe at what I see. The huge real Christmas tree stands just in front of the massive windows, all decorated beautifully by me, my mom and dad last week. The red berry lights twinkle beside the golden decorations placed perfectly all over the tree. The white ice-like lights shine magically around the room, and the cards that we’d been given from friends and loved ones sat on the fireplace above the roaring fire. Then finally, beneath our tree, lay piles of wrapped presents waiting to be unopened.

I felt two arms snake around me from behind, and when I looked I saw my mom smiling at me with loving eyes. She pulled me down off Oliver’s back and kept her arms wrapped around me, kissing the side of my head. My dad ruffled my already messy hair before tapping my nose.

“We’ll open presents first and then later on we can do whatever you want, alright?” Mom says.

“Sounds good,” I agree with a nod.

My dad kneels down to my height and points in the direction of the christmas tree, “you have to save the big one on the end until last.”

I grin in agreement and run over to the presents, getting down onto my knees and looking which one to open first. I settled on an average sized box wrapped in shiny pink wrapping paper, waiting to tear into it. As my fingers fiddled with the loose bit of paper on the end, something triggered in my mind. I slowly looked up at my surroundings. The tree, the presents, my house...my family. The warm feeling I got in my stomach was almost impossible to describe, but I know that I am blessed for what I have, and not everyone is as fortunate.

I turned around to look at my parents, who were sat in the sofa beside each other watching me with smiles on their faces. My mom’s smile dropped a little when she saw the seriousness on my face; of course she’s able to notice that something is on my mind.

“What’s up angel?” She asks.

I looked back at the presents under the tree, before looking back at her, “I was thinking, later on can we go to that children’s hospital near Holland’s . I want to do something nice for the children that aren’t as fortunate as us.”

My parents looked at one another, “Of course, babe.” My mom smiles.

“Some of them don’t have families, right?”

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