The baby (bump) blues (Part 1)

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I intended this story to be written in two parts and have completely finished the first part so I'm going to post it and see if I get any feed back on it :]]


I stared down at the little pink strip in my hand, the tip of it dyed a dark blue color, mocking me. I looked up at all nine other strips, each one bluer than the first, and a single tear escaped my eye. How did this happen? I had always been so careful with Nick, but this, one useless night, one evening of crazy, sweaty, fun and I was knocked up...

Three (and a half) weeks ago-

"Come on Chey, you haven't been to a party in FORever, since Nick and you broke up." Tara, my kinda-sort friend, complained. Her reddish brown hair was flat-ironed and hung over her shoulders, past her chest; she usually wore her hair pulled back, but right now, she had a large hicky on the ride side of her nick she was trying to cover up. I sighed and was about to launch into my spending-more-time-with-my-mom story when she said, "Your mom wont mind, one night, it'll probably be good for you." I stared at her thinking, fucking physic, but instead said, "Fine, one night. One, and then you can never ask me again so you better make sure this party is memorable." Tara smiled, a wicked smiled, wicked smile, and then put a hand on her tiny waist. "Oh, you'll never forget this one." she promised and then, "Oh look, there's Will." She waved to her Senior boyfriend and then strutted over to him, pulling him down for a wicked lip-lock. I looked away, shaking my head. I can't believe I agreed to this. As the warning bell rang I hurried to the empty band room. The large black, grand piano was my sanctuary during free period, it was my time to be alone; I hit a key and began Stand by You, singing along with it...

Three weeks ago-

I slipped on my black mini dress, admiring the sequences int he mirror. Tara had convinced me that if this was my last party, I should go in style. I tightened my heel straps and brushed out my silky brunette hair. A car honked outside and I looked out my window to see a black Cadillac waiting on the side of the road, Tara was here. I blew on my black nail polish one last time, checking the mirror yet again, and raced down the hall. I paused by my mom's door and cracked it open. "Bye mom, I'll see you tomorrow." I didn't wait for an answer, instead, I hurried down the velvet staircase. My heels clicked on the marble floor, filling the empty mansion with the comforting noise of residency. The door adjacent to the kitchen popped open and Delia stuck her head out. "Party?" She asked, blinking the sleepies from her eyes. "Yea, Tara talked me into it. I'll be home tomorrow." Delia nodded and squinted down the hall, "She's sleeping." I whispered, and then ran out to meet Tara.

"What better way could you possibly be spending your Saturday night?" Tara asked, pulling into her boyfriend's driveway. He had a two-story house with an attic, five bedrooms (only two were used), and six bathrooms. the music was already booming and four other cares were in the driveway. Tara smiled at me and pulled down her mini-denim skirt. "You look hot, Chey. So remember that, and enjoy yourself." I sighed and stepped out of the car, catching my reflection in the dark color Sadan next to us. She was right, I did look hot. After swallowing my anxiety, and six cosomopolitan shots, I was grind-dancing with a really hot "bad boy" type guy. He had black, tousled hair and smoldering blue eyes. I was mesmerized instantly, but i couldn't tell if it was from the buzz or him, either way, I wanted him. It started out innocent enough, grind-dancing and making out, and then feeling up, under shirts, dresses. I had three more shots, to loosen up some more, and we ended up in one of the untouched, spare bedrooms with the door locked. We made-out some more on the bed, me on top, most certainly turning him on; and then, him on top, pushing his body into mine, allowing my hands to roam him freely. I rubbed my hands from his thighs, up, under his shirt, up through his hair, and then back down to the growing awareness in his pants. It made me happy, to have someone want me again after so long. He gently glided his hand, up, under my dress, down, hovering the edges of my panties, and with my permission, in them. He kissed my neck, causing a small moan to escape my lips and that's when I knew, I did deserve to have fun, let loose. I'd been a good girl for a long time, doing what was right without anyone telling me to do so, I deserved this, right now. I ripped his shirt up, with no complaint from him, and stumbled on his pants button. He moved to help me out, and then his pants were off, on the floor. "you know," He said, teasing me with my dress as he very slowly lifted it up and kissed a trail along my stomach. "I've heard you, in the band room, singing and playing the piano.." I froze up, but only for a moment because he said, "You are such a talented," kiss, "beautiful," kiss, "girl." Kiss. Kiss. Kiss; and then my dress was off, on the floor with his pants and shirt and my underwear were not far behind. He saved my bra for last, slowly unclasping it with his warm hands. He pressed his body into mine, making me moan again, and my want for him peak. He buried us under the covers and I reached down, grabbing him, and guiding him to me. "Wait," I whispered, before he gave the push I was eager for, "What's your name?" He chuckled and kissed my lips once, pushing himself into me. I gasper again and he moved his lips to my ear, "David." And then I had the most bliss filled night of my life...

...leading to now, three and a half weeks later, and these ten little pink strips with dark blue tips. I quietly let myself sob and then fumble with my cell phone. "Jamie," I say, when my best friend answers on the second ring. "I need you." Ten minutes later, the doorbell ran and I opened my door to see a tall, chiseled guy with eye length, blond hair, bright green eyes, and a surfers tan. I smiled, "Jamie." He held up an armload of chocolate, "Best friend to the rescue." He chimed, his gay-enthusiasm bringing the comfort I had needed. I pulled him into the lonely mansion and up to the only lively room in the house, my room. After I told him my story, he held me in his arms, smoothing out my hair with his gentle hands. He pulled me up and wiped the tears from my face, "I know, it's so sad, you've been a size two forever. But that does mean we can go shopping..." He trailed off and I slapped his arm. "No see, that's now fair, you have a child on-board, I can't hit you back...but, I can give you chocolate." We gorged on Hershey's white chocolate-chip bars and watched horror movies until the door down the hall opened and closed loudly. Jamie looked at me, "I think we should go get some healthy food and go to the drug store." I stared at his perfect face and remembered when I had had a crush on him in eighth grade, it made me laugh. "Okay, thank-you." Jamie smiled, "Anything for you." I changed into some real clothes and then we headed out.

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