Chapter 27

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Demi's POV

I yawn, my eyes fluttering open. I look around, suddenly remembering that I am sleeping in Niall's room in his bed. I stretch my arms out, trying to wake myself up. That nap really did help, quite a bit actually. I sit up slowly letting out another yawn. The only light in the room is the sunlight peaking through the window blinds.

I throw my feet over so that their hanging over the side of the bed. I should go downstairs like Niall told me to. He's probably down there, at least I hope.

After climbing off the bed I shuffle over to the door. I swing the door open and make my way down the hall. I hear some noise coming from the bottom of the stairs. I quietly walk down the stairs before noticing Niall seated on one of the long sofas.

His arms are rested behind his head as he watches TV. I look at the screen noticing that it is football. I smile remembering that football is his favorite sport. I wonder if he ever played?

I walk over till I'm behind him. I peak my head over his, "Hi!"

"Ah!" He shrieks jumping up making our foreheads hit against each other. We both rub our heads as I laugh.

"Jesus Demi!" He lets out a nervous laughing sliding back down on the couch, "Don't scare me like that." His hand falls back to his side.

"I'm sorry!" I laugh walking around the couch and taking a seat next to him. "In my defense, I didn't think you'd scream like a girl."

He scoffs, "I did not scream like a girl."

"Oh really?" I raise an eyebrow, "Ah!" I imitate him making sure to also jump for the added effect.

"Shut up!" He whines sinking down. I laugh and pat his head. He watches me with a small smile. He grabs my hand and holds it in his. I feel the same spark like always. Whenever I'm with him I always seem happy. It's hard to believe that I was ever sad. That I was so upset with myself that I blocked everyone and everything out.

Niall rubs his thumb against the back of my hand, making me smile. I then glance back at the television just as one of the players shoots a goal. I see Niall flinch out of the corner of my eye.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing... It's just Derby is losing by like 10 points." He sounds as if he's trying to keep his anger locked up.


"Yeah. My favorite team." He nods towards the screen.

I look back at the screen, "Oh so that's what you're always tweeting about!" I smile not realizing I said that out loud. Niall smirks.

"So you stalk my tweets?"

I roll my eyes, "Don't get a big head. I just happen to come across them on my timeline."

He laughs dropping my hand before laying back. His eyes go back to the screen, watching intently as a player steals the ball off an other. I stare as he watches the game. He looks so concentrated. It's almost fascinating.

He glances at me and smiles, "What?"

I blink and shake my head, "Nothing."

Niall laughs and continues watching the game, "Then why do you keep strain' at me?"

I could lie here and say I wasn't, but he already knows that I was. So I might as well just be truthful here.

"You just look so... I don't know... Into it. It's weird." I say leaning back against the arm rest. His eyebrows furrow together as he looks at me. My stomach drops. Did I say something wrong? Is he offended?

"It's weird?"

"I mean... I've just... You know what? Just ignore me." I huff. I'm so stupid. He probably thinks I'm an idiot now, even more than I was before. But instead he laughs. I look at him strangely.

"I love you." Niall chuckles. My heart stops at those three words. This is the third time I've heard them from him and yet, I still don't know what to do.

He seems to realize what he said and looks at me with a blank stare. The room is silent except the noise from the soccer game. I still don't know if I can say I love him. I sigh and turn my gaze away from Niall. He sighs as well, I guess getting the idea that I won't be saying those words back to him.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean-"

But before he could finish I basically pounce at him and connect our lips together. He breathes against my lips before pulling me closer. Now probably isn't the time for me to do that, but I felt like I needed to kiss him. If I can't say I love you to him, then I can give him the next best thing.

I bite at his bottom lip making him release a throaty moan. My whole body seems to ignite. I straddle over his waist and begin rocking back and forth. He lets out another moan. I let my hands slip under his t-shirt exploring his stomach. Niall pulls away trying to breathe before looking into my eyes.

"Lets go upstairs." He says in this deep voice that I can't describe. But I cam say that it definitely has a way of turning me on. I nod climbing off him.

Niall leads me upstairs into the bedroom. Within two seconds our lips connect again. I kick the door shut behind us, preparing myself for some fun.


Stay Strong <3

~Lexi W.

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