Chapter 3

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Demi's POV

As soon as I exited the building I ran directly to my car. I threw the door open and climbed inside. I can't believe that just happened. He really came all this way to see me... And I just left him there. I let out a sigh, starting my car. I'm such an idiot. that was so rude of me. I don't even know why I ran away like that.

okay maybe I do... he literally came out of nowhere and expected to just go along with it. what else am I suppose to do?

I'm not going to lie... When I saw him my heart skipped a beat, but I don't really know if that's good or not. maybe it was just from surprise.

On the way home from the studio I heard my phone vibrate. Keeping one hand on the wheel, I reach into my purse and putt out my phone. I see its a text from my mom.

Hey hun! I saw something interesting on E! today :-)

I laugh a little at my moms attempt at a smiley face. Then I begin to question what she could've saw. Once at a red light I quickly text back:

Oh really? What'd you see? :)

Then almost immediately she sends a link to an article on E!'s website. I press the link watching the screen open to the page. The article loads and my heart nearly stops.

'Niall and Demi = Secret Romance?

Niall Horan seen leaving Hollywood Records Studio not to long ago! Coincidence it's the same place Demi was? Hmmm. I don't know about you, but I have a feeling something fishy is going on in Nemiville. What do you think? Is Demi Niall's secret lover? But he also seems sad in the picture we got. Is there trouble in paradise? Stay tuned!' It is followed by an image of Niall leaving the studio with a clear frown on his face.

My face went pale staring at the screen. I can't believe they published this bullshit!

A born blared behind me when I realized the light had turned green. I throw my phone back into my purse and continue on my way back home, now feeling worse than I already did.


After changing into a t-shirt and sweatpants, I sit on my couch waiting for E! News to discuss their "story" on television. I run my fingers through my ridiculously boring brown hair nervously. My mind is racing. What will my fans think? What will my manager think? Better yet... What will Niall's fans think? There's just so much to worry about just from this dumb little story.

The show is almost over and my nerves begin to calm some. Maybe they won't even show the story on TV.

Just before I was about to stand from the couch, a name catches my attention from the screen..

"Lastly, today we spotted Niall Horan from the famous boyband, One Direction, leaving Hollywood Records Studio this afternoon. Is it any coincidence that singer, Demi Lovato, was scheduled for a meeting there this very day as well? By Demi's happy tweet this morning:

@ddlovato: Heading to a meeting for the album! Can't wait for you guys to hear it!

Just proves our point, she was in fact there. We think there may be something going on there. It is known that Niall does seem to have a little crush on our girl Demi and isn't afraid to express it in numerous interviews, but it seems he's finally doing something about it! Are these two going to be the new power couple? We'll keep you updated on our website! Good luck to all the directioners losing their man to the beautiful Demi Lovato! That is all for-"

I click the power button to shut the TV off, "Power couple?" I question out loud growing more angry by the second. "Losing their man?" I say even louder this time. I jump up off the couch and start pacing back and forth in front of the television.

"This... This is bullshit!" I yell angrily now grabbing onto my hair in frustration. I sneak a peak over at my phone, that's sitting on the couch, and I feel like I'm almost getting pulled over to it.

Sighing I pick up my phone and open the twitter app, waiting for it to load completely. My mentions are blowing up as usual, so I check on them. Of course, most of them mention Niall in some way. My anger starts bubbling even more seeing his name. This has to end. Right now.

I start typing a tweet and send it out.

@ddlovato: Ok. All these rumors about me and a certain individual are complete lies. I'm still single and intend to stay that way. Thank you.

I close twitter quickly and just stare up at my ceiling. That may have been rude of me, but I hate seeing all these comments about dating someone when I'm not. I don't want a relationship. Not at all. I made a promise to myself and I will keep that promise. No matter who the person is. I'm to strong now to be torn down.

At least I think.


Stay strong! <3

~Lexi W.

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