Chapter 8

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Niall's POV

I enter the dark hotel room, making sure to close the door quietly behind me. Liam and Harry have to be asleep by now. I try to keep my footsteps soft against the carpet. Suddenly, the lamp flickers on, allowing me to see both Liam and Harry on the couch.

"So..." Liam says with a sly smirk. Harry mirrors the smirk. I roll my eyes before walking over to the empty spot on the couch.

"How did it go?" Harry asks. I don't know if I should be happy or sad right now. I just got rejected, but she said she would like to go out again. I can still feel her lips on my cheek. They were soft and warm. I feel my face become warm just thinking about it... Her.

"I'm guessing pretty well." Liam laughs noticing my daze. Who can blame me though? She's amazing. More than amazing. She's perfect.

"An answer would be nice." Harry laughs snapping his fingers in front of my face.

I just shrug, standing from the couch, "It was okay."

Now that I think about it, besides getting friend-zoned, I had a wonderful time. I wonder if she honestly had a good time as well.

"Okay? Just okay? You went on a date with the girl you've been obsessed with for years and it was just okay?" Liam asks with a very confused look.

I laugh a little, "Okay fine... It was great."

"How great?" Harry asks raising an eyebrow.

I shake my head, "None of your business."

We all laugh, then decide it's getting late. I throw my shirt off and pants and climb into bed. But as I lay there in the dark I can't clear my mind of the way Demi laughed at everything I said. How when she smiles, it seems to be the brightest thing around. How she makes anything into a joke or conversation.

I close my eyes, thinking again of her soft lips and how I wish they could've been on mine. But I know she isn't ready for anything and I will respect that.

But it still won't stop me from thinking otherwise.

Demi's POV

It's been a week since my "date" with Niall. We've surprisingly been texting a lot. He's a great friend to have, he's funny and actually listens. Other guys that I've spoken to in the past didn't seem to grasp the concept of listening, but I finally found one who does.

"Texting Niall again?" My mother asks sitting across from me at the table. I'm over my mothers house today, waiting for Dallas to join us for some mother daughter time. I'm very excited.

"Yes..." I laugh reading the message from him.

From: Niall :P

Hey! Have fun at your mums today! Be a nice little girl ;)

I laugh, typing back quickly. My mom tries to lean over the table to see my phone, but I tilt it out of her view.

To: Niall

Aw thanks I will! And I always am, aren't I?

From Niall :P

Idk... That is a good question

Another giggle escapes my lips as I click against the keyboard.

"Okay okay... You're here to talk to me remember? Not your little boyfriend." She teases setting her tea cup down.

"I'm sorry..." I sigh placing my phone face down on the counter so I'm not tempted to respond. She shakes her head, causing stray hairs to fall from her messy bun.

"What?" I ask fighting a smile.

"Oh nothing. It's just that you claim this boy isn't your boyfriend, yet you two talk all day everyday." She says taking a small sip of her tea. I trace circles on the counter top with my index finger. I've had this conversation with her for the past week. Every day actually.

"Friends talk everyday too mom." I defend


She nods, "That's correct. But it's obvious there's more feelings there than just 'friends'" she uses air quotes, "Hun I think you have this boy wrapped around your finger and you two are supposedly not even dating yet."

I can't help but laugh at that. He isn't wrapped around my finger... Right? No of course not.

"He is not. He's just very sweet and a good guy. Now let's drop this topic please." I beg running my fingers through my hair.

"Fine. Fine. How's the album coming?"

We start talking about my new album and how excited I am about it. But I can't stop thinking about what she said. Friends can talk all the time, so I don't see the problem. Yet again... It feels more than just friends texting and talking. I know it's wrong, but I actually like it.


Stay Strong! <3

~Lexi W.

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