Chapter 9

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Demi's POV

"Good job today Dem." Mike says with a smile, whole messing with the sound board. I pull off the headphones and place them on their stand.

I walk out of the recording booth, "Thanks! Am I free to go?"

He nods, "Yep. But someone's here to see you. He's in the waiting room." With a nod I exit the room and start heading towards the visitor room. I start to smile at the thought that Niall is in there waiting for me. He's probably sitting there, twiddling his thumbs.

I open the door my smile still present, until I see him.


"Joe?" My voice is weak. He's really here right in front of me. He has the nerve standing here.

He smiles softly at me, "Yeah. How are you?"

What does he think this is? He broke my heart, then a year later he just decides to come back to me? That's not okay, at all.

"I... I'm great." I smile triumphantly. I know he's only here to see how broken I am without him. But that's not the case.

He nods stepping towards me, so I take a step back. He sighs looking at me pleadingly. 'Don't fall for it.' My inner self warns.

"Listen... I'm sorry." He says not taking his eyes off me. My whole body feels like its on fire from anger. My fists clench at my sides.

"Demi..." He takes another step forward.

"Don't." I warn giving him an ice cold glare.

"Come on. I said I'm sorry."

This crushes me inside, thinking back to when we wee together. All the "I love yous". All the kisses and hugs. Now I realize they meant absolutely to him when to me they were the only thing holding me together.

"Im sorry won't work here." I say through clenched teeth.

Or when I found out he was only using me. When he left me broken even more than I already was. When I checked myself in, he never tried to contact m while I was there. An "I'm sorry" will never ever cover the damage he left behind.

"Demi, please, I really mean it." He basically begs. I look up to the ceiling trying to ignore his statement. This is to much for me.

"It's because if him isn't it?" He asks catching me off guard.

"Who?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"That One Direction guy. You're seeing him aren't you? I should've know. I mean-"

I cut him off before he finishes, "No. It is not because of him. What you did is unforgivable."

He seems to be relieved. I don't want Niall anywhere in this. This is between Joe and I. No one else.

"And I would rather you not bring him into this." I add with attitude.

"Into what? I'm trying to solve this, but you're being difficult like always." He retorts.

"Difficult?! I'm pretty sure you would be hurt if you trusted someone with everything you had and they leave you behind, on top of everything else you have going on. So don't you dare say I'm being difficult." I yell my heart seeming to break all over again.

He laughs a little, "I didn't leave you behind. It's life. People break up. So you need to get a reality check before yelling at me."

I roll my eyes, tears stinging them. Why should I even try? Nothing can get though his thick scull.

"You know what. Goodbye. And don't try talking to me ever again got it?" I say weakly before walking out of the room.

And as I leave, my heart is aching. Why did he come here? I was perfectly fine, well close to it, before he came and fucked everything up.

As I walk out of the recording studio, my cell phone vibrated from inside my pocket. I don't even want to see who it is. I just want to be alone while his words echo in my head.

"You need a reality check."


Stay Strong <3

~Lexi W.

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