Chapter 16

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Demi's POV

My eyes trail up to the mirror in front of me. Just as I thought I was getting better I had to go and read that stupid article.

Joe Jonas seen with mysterious blonde. Could this mean something? New girlfriend?

I don't even know why I'm so bothered by this. We both agreed to move on, even though we didn't exactly say it. I wanted to move on, more than anything. But there was that small part of me that wanted things to be like they were before. Even though I was hurting when I was with Joe, he made me believe I was important to him.

I let out a small sigh watching myself in the mirror. All my imperfections seeming to jump out at me. I want to look away, but I can't bring myself to do it. I judge every part of me.

'Your split ends are terrible.'

'Your face is shaped weird.'

'Your ache spots are visible again.'

These aren't even bad things, just the little things I do notice when I see my reflection. I look down at my two tattoos on my wrists. Stay Strong. Those two words meaning more to me than absolutely anything. I try living by those words everyday, but it just becomes hard every once in a while. The fact Joe, out of all people, is making me doubt myself makes me sick to my stomach. He doesn't even matter anymore. So why do I care?

'Because he wanted someone better than you and he found her.'

My eyes form into a glare as I look back at my reflection. "You're so weak." I say through clenched teeth. I am weak. Letting something so stupid make me feel uncomfortable in my own skin all over again. I worked so hard to get this resolved. But I do know that it takes progress even after leaving rehab. It takes hard work and determination.

My eyes flicker to the guitar nicely placed in the back corner through the mirror. My mind automatically travels to Niall. Everything seems to slow down. The thoughts in my head seem to have calmed and the uneasy feeling in my chest vanished. His sweet smile making my stomach twist and turn. I wasn't sure if that was good or not.

I've worked so hard this past year building up this protective wall, but every time I look into his eyes I feel a piece of the wall chip away. I hate this effect he has on me. I've never felt this strange before, it's almost like I want him to break my wall down. And the sad thing is, I know that the next time I see him, I know that my wall will be gone. I don't want that, I honestly don't. At least I think I don't.

Before I can think, I grab my phone off my vanity and send a quick message. I let it send then place it back down.

To: Niall :)

Hey. Could you please come over? It's an emergency.

Seconds later the phone vibrate, his text flashing across the screen.

From: Niall :)

Of course. Be right there.

Then I just sit on the end of my bed and wait. I can't keep this from him. He is just as involved in this as I am now. All I'm hoping for is that he'll understand again.

He always does, but I have a feeling he won't this time.


This is really short I know! I'm sorry, I just wanted to get something up for you guys!

Stay Strong <3

~Lexi W.

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