Chapter 10

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Niall's POV

I haven't spoken a word to Demi since she was at the recording studio and that was over a week ago. I can't help but grow nervous at her absence. Liam walks into the living room with his suitcase, ready to head back to England. But I haven't noticed because my mind has been occupied with thoughts of Demi. What could be wrong with her? There has to be something wrong, she wouldn't just flat out ignore me for nothing.

"Niall? Mate are you okay?" Liam asks grabbing his sweatshirt off the hook on the wall.

I shake my head trying to bring myself back to reality, "Oh um... Yeah I'm fine. You excited to see Dani?" I ask with a small smile trying to hide my emotions.

A bright smile automatically crosses his face. I smile brightly seeing him like that. Smile like that. I know how much he cares for Dani, it's pretty obvious. And I know that she feels the same about him. I wish I could say the same.

"Yeah..." He smiles sliding on his hoodie. Just then Harry's bedroom door swings open and he walks into the room.

"You leaving already?" Harry asks Liam going into the kitchen, probably getting coffee.

"Yup! I can't miss my flight! How much longer are you two staying in LA?" Liam responds and looks over to me. I haven't really thought about it. I originally wanted to leave sometime in the next few weeks, but with how things are going with Demi I don't want to leave so soon.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe a few more weeks. You think so Niall?" Harry howlers from the kitchen followed by a slamming of a cabinet.

"Maybe." Is all I say, because I'm not sure now.

Liam nods walking towards the door, "Okay... Well give me and the guys a call when you figure it out. Love you lads." Liam says with a smile opening the door.

"Wait!" Harry yells before running in the room and jumping into Liam's arms. Liam laughs hugging him back. I take this as my cue to go over there as well. I run over and jump on him too, so Harry and I are clinging onto Liam.

"Okay! Okay! I feel the love now get off!" Liam laughs pushing us off. Harry and I laugh at him, watching as he starts walking down the hallways towards the elevator. I feel kind of sad that Liam had to leave, but I know he's going to be so happy to see his family and Danielle.

"So. What are your plans for today?" Harry asks shutting the door.

I shrug walking back over to the couch and reclaiming my spot. "I was hoping to just lay around."

"You did that yesterday." He laughs, "Maybe you should give Demi a call."

"Oh shut up. You just want to talk to Marissa." I joke turning the TV on. He doesn't respond, but instead jumps next to me on the couch.

"Maybe I do! What's the problem?" He laughs shaking his hair like he always does and pushes it back off his forehead.

"You can't use my girl... I mean my friend for your personal needs." I almost said girlfriend. I seriously almost said girlfriend. I'm such a moron.

"Hm." He smirks leaning back onto the cushion. I know he heard me slip. "But seriously mate, you should call her. Make some plans." Harry says breaking the short silence.

I sigh and run my fingers through my hair, which has become a nervous habit of mine. "I would, but she hasn't talked to me in over a week."

His eyebrows raise, "Really? Is something wrong?"

"That's what I was thinking. I have no idea..." I say. Him also thinking something is wrong makes my nerves grow even more. What if something happened to her? I don't know what I would do if she was hurt. Instead of responding he takes my phone and types a message. I try to take it back, but he swats me away. Then I hear a swoosh sound, meaning he sent the text.

"The hell man?" I snatch my phone from his hands. I look down at the screen to see what he sent. It's probably something terrible or intruding.

To: Demi :)

Hey babe. Are you okay?

I sigh with relief at the message. It's nothing bad, it's something I would and was going to say.

Minutes go by and there is no response. That's when I know something isn't right. Something happened to her and I'm going to find out what it is.

I get up from the couch and rush to the door.

"Where are you going?" Harry asks sitting up with concern.

"I'm going to see if she's okay." Is all I say before rushing out the door.

Demi's POV

I push my phone away from me as I sit on the edge of the bed. Nothing has been going right since that confrontation with Joe. Whatever I do, it seems wrong. No matter what it is. Even talking to Niall seems uncomfortable anymore.

So when he texted me if I was okay, I didn't respond. I couldn't bring myself to tell him to leave me alone. That's all I want from him. From everyone.

To be left alone.

My eyes travel up to the vanity mirror in front of me. "You're such a mess up." I mumble to myself, looking at every imperfection I have. Even with my newly dyed red hair. Nothing about me is good enough. As sad as it is to say, I feel like I'm slipping back to the girl I was before. It terrifies me to think of that, but it's how I feel.

I stand from the bed and walk closer to the big mirror. "You need a reality check." I remind myself of Joe's harsh words. I guess seeing him made me realize, maybe I wasn't as clean and fixed as I originally thought.

No one can handle me at this state. Not even I can handle this. Especially not Niall of all people. 'Why are you so worried about him?' My self conscience says harshly. "Maybe because I care about him." I say out loud. Okay, I've officially lost my mind. I'm talking to myself for fucks sake. I don't "love" him by no means, I don't even have true feelings for him, but I do know that I care for him.

As I'm about to say another rude comment to myself there's a loud knock on my front door. My heart starts racing. Before I know it, my feet start to travel down the staircase. I want to stop. I want to just throw myself in bed, stay away from the outside world.

I look through the peep hole and my heart stops at the sight of him. Niall is standing there, his eyes full of worry. Worry I assume is for me. I'm such a bad person, causing someone to worry about me.

I open the door timidly. Niall's face washes with relief at the sight of me. When he looks at my hair, his eyes widen and I can't tell if it's a good reaction or not.

"I was so worried about you." He says softly taking a small step towards me, trying to see if I'd allow him in. I move out of the way, letting him step inside. His eyes travel me up and down, making me grow self conscious.

"Oh." I say quietly lowering my head letting hair fall in front of my face.

I then feel this warm hand brush against my face, moving my hair behind my ear. I cringe slightly at the contact. I don't want his gentle touch. I don't deserve it.

"Are you okay?" He asks his eyes full of hurt from my reaction. I take a step back. Maybe I shouldn't have let him in. Ignoring him seemed much easier than actually talking to him.

"Yes. So can you please just leave me alone?" I say before thinking. It sounded much colder then I intended.

His eyebrows furrow together, "What?"

I take a deep breath deciding this is the right thing to do for him and myself.

"I said. Leave me alone. Leave." I say looking at the ground. I can't handle the look he's probably giving me.

He reaches out for me, but I flinch away.

"Leave!" I yell. He flinches. I look up at his face, and the look he has tears me apart inside. He steps back towards the door, hurt written all over his face.

Once he reaches the door he turns around and says, "If you change your mind I'm here. I'm always here for you." He gives one last hurt smile before leaving me alone in the dark room.


Stay Strong <3

~Lexi W.

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