Chapter 5

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Demi's P.O.V

After we shook hands a silence hung over us. I didn't know if I should make the first move to speak. If this was a normal situation, like a friend and I, this would not be so weird for me. Niall runs his hand through his hair again, this time I pay attention to the way his brown roots show for a few moments before blonde covers them again. I smile a little looking down at my hands.

"What are you smiling at?" He asks with a smile resembling mine.

"Oh nothing..." I say shyly not looking up to him. Why am I being so shy? I'm never shy. This is a foreign feeling to me.

"Well obviously you're smiling about something." He laughs making the tension in my chest soften a bit. He doesn't seem nervous talking to me at all. So why am I acting like this? I have no idea, but I don't like it.

I smile again, "So. Why are you guys in LA?"

He seems taken aback by my question. "Well, we're on break at the moment. So we just decided to come to LA. Relax a little."

I nod my head. "How long are you here?" I ask before I even think. He's probably thinking I'm nosey.

He chuckles at me I assume, "It's kind of hard to explain. But Harry and I are here for a month. Liam is leaving next week to go spend time with his girlfriend and family."

I nod again, "What about Zayn and Louis?" I say their names questionably. I hope that's their names. I'm pretty positive that I'm correct.

"They are already with their family and girlfriends." He says timidly. He seems sad talking about this. I guess he just misses his friends, band mates.

The awkward silence hangs over us again. I have nothing to say for once. I look up at Niall from my hands and see him doing the same. Our eyes lock for a moment before we both look down again. There is only one thing to do now.

"Where do you think they are?" I say at the same time he says "What are you doing this weekend?"

We both stop and stare at each other. His cheeks are slightly red and I know mine are the same. It's silent once again besides the mumbles of peoples conversations around us. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have..." He trails off rubbing his hands over his face. I shake my head trying to let him know it's okay.

He wants to go out with me? I wasn't expecting that at all. Maybe it's because the conversations between us are always set at a minimum. Nothing super important or interesting is shared. Just as he opens his mouth to say something else, Harry and Marissa walk over to us.

"You ready?" Marissa asks me with a small smile.

I nod and get up quickly from the seat. Niall looks over at me, his cheeks still red. I have to try to hold me smile at how adorable that reaction is.

"It was nice talking to you." Marissa says to Harry shaking his hand.

"Same to you." He smiles shaking her hand. His hand lingers in hers for a few moments before she pulls away. I roll my eyes at their contact and glance over at Niall. He's staring at the ground, seeming to be to embarrassed to look up at me. I can't hold my smile this time. He really is cute...

Before I could stop myself I say, "Yes."

The three of them look at me strangely. "What?" Marissa asks confused. Niall looks into my eyes for a brief moment.

"Yes. I'm free this weekend." I smile. Niall's eyes brighten up as he smiles. "Really?" He asks obviously surprised that accepted. I am as well. I nod and his smile grows wider.

"Okay, well do you wanna go see a movie or something?" His words seem to blend together. His nervousness is adorable.

"Sure. Here.." I grab a pen out of Marissa's purse. She always has a pen in there and I never understood. But now I'm thankful for it. I walk over to Niall and grab his hand. He flinches at the pens contact on the back of his hand. I quickly write down my number.

"Text me the details."

He nods the smile never leaving his face. Harry looks at me then to Niall. I smile at him before turning on my heels. I grab Marissa's arm and drag her away before anything else is said. I know what's about to come.

Once we get to the car and pull out Marissa looks over at me. "What was that?! What happened?!" She yells with a giant smile. My cheeks flush as I look out the passenger window. I decide not to answer her because if I'm being perfectly honest.

I don't know what happened in there either.


Stay Strong! <3

~Lexi W.

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