Chapter 12

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(A week later)

Demi's POV

See now in all those little love stories, after something like "that night" ever happens, a day later the boy and the girl would be talking and pretending nothing ever happened. But this isn't a love story, not in any way. This is real life.

Thankfully, Niall had listened to my wishes and has stayed clear of me. Not even the slightest bit of contact. I'm both sad and relieved at the same time. I basically just lost the one friend I thought I could trust no matter what. But I also just saved both of us the heartbreak.

If he saw how messed up I actually am, he wouldn't even have tried to get closer to me.

I'm now at my mothers, sprawled out on her couch, watching Cake Boss on the television. I seem more comfortable here than anywhere else. My mom can obviously realize something is off with me, but I refuse to tell her all my negative thoughts are returning. I just continue telling her I need some sleep.

"Honey, do you want some tea?" She asks sticking her head around the corner. I look over the couch and nod. She nods and disappears back into the kitchen. A small sigh escapes my lips as I return my focus onto the screen in front of me.

Moments later she returns with a cup of steaming tea for me. She places it on the coffee table before looking down at me.

"Demi... Are you sure you're okay?" She asks again.

I nod slowly, refusing to look up at her. I have a small feeling she doesn't believe me. She is my mother after all. She takes a seat on the love seat next to the couch. I watch as she folds her hands on her lap, her brown eyes watching me intently.

"Please stop staring at me..." I beg sinking into the cushions.

"Then please tell me what's got you acting like this? I haven't seen you smile in days." She sounds sad. Great. Another person I've let down.

"I already told you. I'm just tired." I lie brushing hair away from my face.

"Tired as in sleep? Or tired as in tired of everything?" She urges, her hands still nicely folded on her lap.

"Both?" I say more as a question. I don't know exactly how to describe how in feeling, but that's as close as I'll get. She starts to stand, but before she says anything I jump up off the couch.

"I'm gonna go take a shower. I'll be down later." I rush out of the room and up the stairs to the bathroom. I don't want to hear what she has to say. Last time I said that, well we all know. So I don't want her becoming worried again. Because honestly, it's not as bad as I'm making it out to be. It's just the only way I know how to deal with pain.

I grab a towel from under the sink, which is an odd place for towels I know. I begin stripping from my clothes and turn the water on making sure it's warm. Nothing is worse than stepping into a shower, expecting the water to be warm, but it's actually freezing.

I step into the steamy water, letting it run down my naked body. I watch as some of the red hair dye washes down the drain, but I don't even care. Dying my hair seemed like a good idea at first, but now I'm already tired of this color. Like nothing I have is just right.

After washing my hair and body, I just stand under the water faucet for a little bit longer. The hot water seeming to wash away all my worries. Even though that's not the case. It just feels like it.

I finally turn the water off and step out of the shower, wrapping the soft towel securely around my body. I clean off the foggy mirror, revealing myself clear in the reflection. Imperfections and all. I sigh opening the door and going to my old bedroom. Luckily I left some clothes over here just in case I stayed over.

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