Chapter 15

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Niall's POV

As I pull away from Demi's house, I keep thinking of what she said.

"You're a good friend."

Friend. That's all I'm ever going to be to her. And that thought kills me inside. The feelings I have for her are like no other. I've never felt this way before. She makes me feel wanted. She makes me feel important.

I drive to the closest Starbucks, I have to clear my head. The way she looked at me really had me going. I smile softly thinking of the way her brown eyes twinkle when she laughs. I remember the day I ran into her, literally, in that elevator. Her eyes narrowed at the sight of me. And how she stood looking at the floor with that beautiful smile of hers. I remember that day like the back of my hand. The day my life changed forever.

Images of her smiling and laughing pop in my head, causing my smile to grow even larger. Even her voice is beyond beautiful. I swear, my stomach erupted into butterflies when she sang to me.

But one thing is bothering me. She stopped playing so suddenly. She claims to have "forgotten" the rest of the song, but I know something came to her mind. And I'm almost positive that whatever she was thinking about today is the same reason she shut everyone out for a week. My curiously grows larger and larger as I park the car in front of Starbucks.

As I walk in, I notice a girl with an older woman sitting that the far right corner. I walk up to the register to order. When I tell the man what I want, I see the older woman watching me with furrowed eyebrows. The younger girl, who I assume is the woman's daughter, says something to her. I look over both of them. Their features look extremely familiar, especially the eyes. They both are the exact same color brown as... Demi's.

"Niall?" The older woman says now approaching me. I nod as the man writes down my order.

"Mom stop." The girl pleads, she looks to be about in her twenties.

"Yes ma'am, that's me." I say with a small smile no take a quick glance around to make sure no one has noticed me in here. Being with Demi sometimes makes me forget who I am and what I do.

"It's nice to finally meet you." The woman says as the girl face palms behind her. My brows furrow together. Finally meet me? She couldn't be a fan, so what does she mean?

"I'm sorry, but what-"

I'm cut off by the girl speaking, "I'm Dallas, Demi's sister and this is our mom," she nods to the woman. My face instantly pales and I quickly put my hands in my pockets before I start to fiddle with them.

Demi's family. They know me?
'Well most people know you.' My mind speaks. But she said finally. That means Demi must have talked about me before.

"Look what you did," her mother scolds, "making him all nervous."

I let out a small chuckle, sounding more like a child than a teenage boy.
'Good job idiot.'

"Aw he's cute. Now I see why Dem likes him." Dallas says with a wink. You can definitely see the resemblance between Dallas and Demi. I try looking for the sparkle in her eyes like Demi's, but it isn't there.

"Well thank you." I say with a small smile.

"Niall!" The counter guy shouts. I quickly grab my coffee before glancing between the two women in front of me.
"If you don't mind Niall, can I please talk to you?" Demi's mother says with a heart warming smile. Before thinking, I nod my head. She leads Dallas and I back to their table in the corner.

What does she want to talk to me about? Is it about me talking to her daughter? What if she doesn't want me with Demi anymore? My heart inks just thinking about it. A week without her was painful enough. I couldn't handle never speaking to her again.

I guess she notices my fidgeting and laughs, "Don't worry hun. I won't kill you."

I smile nervously and take a sip of my drink. She clears her throat before folding her hands together on the table top. Dallas leans back, her eyes focused on her phone screen. I grow increasingly more uncomfortable as her gaze is directly on me.

Finally she begins, "So I've heard plenty about you young man."

"Miss Lovato-"

She cuts me off, "Please, call me Diana."

"Alright." I say slowly, "Diana, if you have heard any bad things about me from the press I can promise you they are all lies. Well most of them and..." I ramble on until I notice her chuckling at me.

"Dear, not in the magazines, from Demi." She laughs. My nervousness turns into embarrassment. My gaze falls to my coffee cup right in from of me. Leave it to me to make the girl I likes mother think I'm an idiot.

"Oh." I say quietly. She laughs again, it slightly reminds me of Demi's laugh, but Demi's is so much louder and bubbly. Which I absolutely love.

"You're adorable." Dianna says, "but anyways, she has been talking to you a lot lately."

I nod.

"She... She seems a lot happier whenever you're brought up. She smiles a lot more now and I can only guess it's because of you."
I can't help but smile at her words. The thought of Demi smiling because of me makes my heart swell.

"And I want to thank you for helping her. After Joe, I thought she would never give another guy a chance."

"What happened with Joe?" I find myself asking. Demi always says how she isn't ready for a relationship, but I never understood why.

Dianna sighs, "He... He left her broken."

That's all she has to say before I'm infuriated. I heard about the things Demi has gone through. Things that I would not dare to bring up. But now that I know he was one of the components to her breaking, it makes me incredibly pissed off. When you're with someone, you are suppose to care for them no matter what. Stay by their side. But he just left her battle it all on her own. He probably didn't even visit her when she was-

"Niall please calm down." Dianna's sweet voice breaks my thoughts. I look down at my hands that are clenched into tight fists.

"I'm sorry." I say trying to relax.

She shakes her head giving me an understanding smile.
"At least I know you care."

"Of course I care." I say right after she finishes. She extends her hand over to me and rests her hand on top of mine. I flinch slightly at her cold hand.

"Niall, I just have to ask you for one thing."

I wait silently waiting for her to continue.

"Please. Please fix my baby." Her voice cracks making my heart ache for her.

I sit up straighter looking her directly in the eyes, "I'm trying."

Stay Strong <3

~Lexi W.

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