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"are things finally normal?" i whispered into her ear as we laid on my bed in my room.

Our bodies naked, she was cuddled up on me. Our legs tangled. Having sex with a girl never felt as good as with her.

Laura giggled quietly and drew over my chest, it felt like she was writing something and i started concentrating on what she wrote.

Y - E - S and after it she did a heart on it.

You wouldn't believe it but there were fucking butterflies in my stomach which seemed to almost explode.

"So this means, we are finally together?" I said, smiling like an idiot and looking at her.

I never thought i could be like that. Laura made a better person out of me. I felt good when i was around her, i could smile around her.
I didnt smile often, i just smirked. I had this cruel look at everyone a few months ago and now i was there. Loving the world for once.

"Do you really want this so much?" She said looking me in the eyes.

I nodded slowly, "Is this bad?" I said quietly. Suddenly i was freaking insecure.

Laura took notice of it and immediately laid her hands on my cheeks, "no no no. It isnt bad, Ross. Its great. Its beautiful." With that she gave me a kiss.

"Id love to be your girlfriend. But just, if you really want me. All of me. If you understand me in my bad days and make my good days even better. Dont take me wrong, but i had some bad experiences and i dont want us to be one as well." Laura said calmed.

I looked her in the eye and waited short, "I hope you know how much i like you, Laura. Ive never felt like this before, just one touch from you and i am calm again. and to be honest, having this strong feelings for someone is scaring the fuck out of me. But i am finally ready. I want this and especially ..i want you."

Just a few seconds later she kissed me again. Our first kiss as a couple should be something special so i kissed back slowly. I put all my emotions in it, laid my hands on her waist and turned us around.

I was hovering over her by now but i kept the kiss romantic and slow. It was incredible how much i enjoyed her soft skin pressing against mine.

Laura slowly pulled away after a while, i leaned my forehead against hers and we both breathed. I started smiling and then looked in her eyes, "Youre such a good kisser, girlfriend."

She giggled and answered, "Thank you. But you too, boyfriend."

"Gooosh, say that again it turns me on." I joked smiling big.

"Boyfriend?" Lauras laugh was so heartwarming. What has she done to me? I would have never believed that after what we went trough, this was even possible.

I chuckled and started tickling her.

*3 weeks later*

Laura and I were walking trough the city, She was balancing on a wall. I was holding the hand of my girlfriend, can you believe it? The weather was as amazing as i felt in this moment.

Ive heard about this "on cloud nine" phase you go trough in a relationship. The phase where you are totally looking trough rose colored glasses. But i could have never imagined i would go trough the same, but here i was.

I enjoyed every moment of the day and when she wasn't around me my heart hurt. The gras was even greener, the sky even more blue. And her smile could change my mood from 0-100.

Her hand was so soft, it felt like our hands were made for one another, they fitted so well.

A wave of happiness overflowed me after i thought about it and i stopped her, took her and whirled her around. I heard her giggling short but i let her down and kissed her softly.

Laura kissed me back and laid her hand on my cheek and after we pulled away just a few inches she was smiling light, still had her eyes closed and her hand on my cheek.

"Still feels like our first kiss." She whispered. I was thinking about our first kiss and from laura's reaction i noticed she did the same. She opened her eyes and laughed, "okay lets say the kiss we had when i was crying on the bench. this kiss."

I chuckled and caressed her cheek, looked in her eyes, "thank you for bringing out the good person in me. All i needed the whole time was you." I said quietly.

Laura shook her head and began looking in my eyes too. I was forgetting the world around us when she did that.

"No, Ross. you didnt need me. You needed a person truly loving you. Showing you life isnt just about alcohol and having sex, Showing you life is about much more than that. And i am so proud of you." She slowly took my hand without interrupting looking in my eyes,

"Some other boys wouldn't have managed it to change that much, but you. You are strong. You are beautiful. You are you. And on the inside you never were like that. We both know that."

I wasnt sure but i think i was blushing. Her words were so lovely, the butterflies in my stomach seemed to explode.

I smiled and looked around then i looked at her again. The sun was shining in her face, her hair was falling perfectly down her shoulders and the summer dress she chose to wear today made her look so beautiful.

"Thank you." I whispered and pressed her hand.

lauras pov

Ross' character development was incredible. When i said i was proud of him, i wasnt lying, not even a tiny bit. He wasnt the sex obsessed asshole anymore, he changed into a lovingly boy with a caring soul.

and god damn hot body.

I looked in his eyes, "I love you." I said smiling weak. His mouth angle turned down a little bit. I knew why he was behaving like this.

He started looking down. This has happened exactly 3 times in these weeks. I said i loved him and i knew he felt the same but for some reason, he couldn't say it back. Maybe he wasn't ready yet. But doesn't matter what it was, i didnt rush him.

"Hey.." I said and made him look up. I laid my hand on his cheek and looked at him, "Its okay, Ross."

"Im sorry, Laura. I know you wanna hear these 3 words. But i cant. Not because i do not feel this way towards you, because i really do. But because..i dont know. Just please never forget how much i like and appreciate you.." His voice was weak. I didnt want him to be sad.

"Ross. I said its okay. Believe me." I smiled in hope he would too. But he didnt.

I sighed and took his hand, started walking with him, "Okay. Im honest. I would like to hear it, youre right." I looked down while walking, i looked at my shoes and the ground, but then i looked up, i looked around.

The sky, the birds, the trees and the clouds. Everything seemed to harmonize and so did Ross and I. "But you know. The only thing that really matters is this right now. You and me."

"And when youre not ready to say it, you dont have to because you're showing it to me every day and that's enough for me."

Finally. Ross smiled again, and so did I. "Youre the best." He said and i leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I know." I said smiling and giggling while continuing to walk.

i know this migut be not the best update but im proud i managed it to update at all.

so much happened in the last time ugh. But the biggest news is i started watching a new show and this show is definitely one of the best shows ever. So much love and drama and omg it thought one so much about life and the otps omg you wont believe it <3

wel okay that was it for now. I hope you had a good christmas + new years eve and happy new year my loves

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