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Ross Pov.

I rushed away from her. I was hella shocked to see her, but I couldn't show it. I just wanted to walk away, but she kept walking after me.

Because of her i fucking dropped my coffee, now i had to buy a new one. What was she doing here? I walked to Starbucks and went inside.

I have never seen her here before. "A caffé late, please." I said as i stopped in front of the girl who took our orders. I fucking gave her my shirt.

"Whats your name?" She asked me and i dont know why but i was totally in thoughts.

I didnt want to see her ever again. "Hello, Sir?"

Then i looked up, "huh? um yeah my name, um.. Robert." I saw how she laid her pen on the  cup and then i jumped a bit, "hold on! Ross! its Ross. My name is Ross." She gave me a weird gaze but chuckled and then wrote my name on it.

I sighed and looked around. "You can fetch your drink over there." She reminded me and i nodded and walked to the next stop, waited for my starbucks.

What the fuck was this. I thought and rubbed my hands over my face.


I went outside the store and sat down on a couche in such a food court. I hate her.

"Fuck, now she has my shirt." I whispered to myself as I remembered what just happened not even a hour ago.

I rolled my eyes, "great."

"Whats up, blonde head?" I heard a voice behind of me and I turned around a few seconds later.

There stood a girl. Brown long hair, brown eyes, eyebrows on fleek and make up on point. She didnt use much makeup, she was natural.

"Sup." I nodded and turned around again, started smirking because i knew she wouldnt go again. And from this second on i forgot about Laura again

Instead she took a place next to me, "What is a boy like you doing here alone?" She spoke in a bit high pitched voice and totally sarcastically.

"Drinking a coffee?" I said and pointed to it.

"Oh I see, but wheres your girlfriend?"

I thought about Claire and looked to my hands before starting to smirk forced, "I dont do relationships." I moved my head to her slowly and gave her a wink before turning back and taking a sip of my coffee, "Where is your boyfriend, im sure he wouldn't like you talking to a hot guy like me."

This mysterious girl laid her hand onto my shoulder and looked at my profile before saying in a low voice, "I dont do relationships."

I looked over to her and she bit her lips, i looked down to her cleavage. Big breasts, but still such a skinny body.

"My eyes are here, badboy." She said and laughed before taking my hand and pulling me up.

I didnt care about my coffee as we walked outside the mall. This moment, it was just me, this girl and her car.

Lauras Pov

I walked to the food court after buying the things i had to buy. I ordered a smoothie and sat down, took out my phone to text Vanessa.

"Im coming home soon, just wanna finish my smoothie." I typed and sent it afterwards. I was unsure about telling her about what happened.

I saw in the blink of my eye how the people walked past me. And all of a sudden i saw him again. I looked up careful and immediately rolled my eyes.

I hate him. I thought as i saw him walking away with some brown haired slut with big ass and breasts but probably zero IQ.

I couldnt believe him, he seriously was a player. I mean i was sure this wasnt his girlfriend.

All he has done this weekend, it was just show. He took away my virginity. I knew he was a player but i somehow still hoped so much.

I went home after finishing my drink. The bus drive seemed endless. My mind was playing crazy as i always looked down at his shirt on my skin.

I imagined it wasn't just material that was touching my skin. It was like his strong arms wrapped around my waist, so soft and good feely.

"Gosh you have to stop real quick, Laura." I whispered to myself.

As I arrived at home, Vanessa was already waiting for me. She smiled as I entered our room.

"Helloo." I said, hoping she wouldnt notice this shirt. I laid my bag on the ground next to my bed and sat onto it, plugged my phone onto the charger and i felt her gaze on me already.

I slowly looked over to her.

Vanessa didnt take her eyes off me a while, neither did she say something.
But then she finally did.

"How was your drink?" She simply asked.

I sighed relieved and nodded, "it was good, it was tasty.."

She nodded back, slowly. "Okay nice, and what did you buy?"

"mainly grocery and some little snacks."

Nessa smiled and turned to her phone again.
As she didnt see it, i sighed relieved again, but without saying the sigh-melody.

I laid onto my stomach and took my phone as well. I went to messages and replied to a few numbers who wrote me, including Bellamy.

"Just for your information, I know the short you're wearing isnt yours." Vanessa said again and smirked.

Now i groaned, let my head fall onto the bed and let out a little scream. "It's Ross'.."

"WHAT!" She said and suddenly sat up again. I did the same and sat up too, slowly, exhausted.

"He gave it to me today." I told her the little story of our come back and she just rolled her eyes at everything. She really didn't like Ross, i could tell. But i could understand her so much.

I didnt like him too.

its been long long long. I hope you didnt forget me or my stories (mostly i hope you didnt forget me ;b )

idk why I couldn't write. I was busy with exams and tests, and meeting friends. I also was veeeerrryyyy busy watching American Horror Story (😍😭)
yes i started a new show. Actually i hate horror, but every tumblr girl is talking about Ahs so i just had to start it.

If you dont know this show. It has 5 seasons but a sixth one was confirmed (i think) Every season has a different story, so like the second season isnt based on the first one at all, its a whole new different story.
season one is called murder house (fucking best season y'all!)
season 2 (what im watching atm) is aslyum.
season 3 is called coven (also so so so so SO SOS SOSOSOSOOS GOOD!! really watch it omg)
season4 freak show (i heard that this isnt so good)
and season 5 hotel.
Yes okay i guess you all dont really care about that, but if you want to watch a new show, watch this. It's awesome, it has an awesome ship (s1 & s3 - thats why i love these two seasons the most), it has awesome plotwists and it simply is awesome as fuck. 😍 and if you get scared easily like me, dont be afraid because it isnt creepy. maybe one to two scenes but thats it.

xoxo , Monique aka maiaslullaby on twitter , fucking follow me because justin bieber could do the same 💕

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