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*3 weeks later*

"Morning." Laura said to me when i came downstairs in the kitchen. It was sunday and honestly, i couldn't remember much of the last night.

I moved trough my hair tiredly and feeling like shit before groaning a morning back. I walked over to the cupboard and took a pill against headaches while Laura filled a glas with water and placed it on the table. I smiled light to her and took a seat, "thanks." I mumbled before swallowing the pill and drinking water afterwards.

"Rough night huh." She said laughing light, I actually didnt wanna talk, i just wanted to sleep, but Lauras Voice always had kind of a healing effect.

"I dont know i cant remember that much of it." I said, having my eyes closed and my hands placed on my head over the table.

My headaches were bothering me more than the fact that i didn't remember what i could have done at this party yesterday.

"You've changed, Ross. To the better. I mean yeah you've drunken a lot, but that is you. I watched you yesterday and i really see that you're becoming the person you really are."

I chuckled and looked at her, "The person i really am? This still sounds so weird to me. Like, ive lived this bad boy life for so long that i actually believed in it. Until you showed up and taught me better."

"You're welcome." Laura said smiling. God i liked her smile and the way she laughed so much.

"Did i leave with some girl yesterday?" I asked unsure. I promised myself i would wait for Laura, i didnt want any sexual activity with any other girl anymore.

Laura blushed and smiled slight, "Yeah you did."

"Who was she? did i know her? how long were we away?" I couldn't believe that i actually was able to cheat on myself.

"You cant remember anything of it?" Laura looked me in the eye and i looked at her, up and down her face and cleavage. my eyes stopped at her neck.

My heart started beating faster immediately and somehow, a few memories came back.

"Laura, come on. I dont want anyone else than you to come with me. You gotta protect me from all these girls. Youre my friend, friends are supposed to do that." I said smirking.

She sighed and nodded while leading me upstairs in my room. She closed the door, locked it and when she turned around i pressed her against it.

"Ross." She said, smiling. I knew she liked it. That was exactly the way she wanted to get kissed. Pressed against something.

"I know we aren't a couple yet, but im burning for you. Just kiss me till i pass out so the last thing i feel are your lips on mine."

Of course she couldn't resist. We both were sure about our feelings for one another but we decided to stay friends until things get normal.

Laura nodded and pulled me closer on my shirt before laying her lips on mine, roughly.

"Oh goooodd.." I said embarrassed and looked down, still smiling though.

"I could never resist you, Ross Shor Lynch." She admitted shyly.

I looked up again and looked at the big hickey i gave her. Fuck, only imagining giving her another one had me forgetting my headaches faster than i thought.

"Youre such a hoe, god." I said before leaning over and kissing her. When she stsrted kissing back i pulled her on top of my lap. She moved her hands trough my hair slowly, pulled light on it sometimes but when i went to the hickey and sucked on it she pulled a big stronger and i got turned on so bad.

She moaned quietly and i moved my hand to her ass, grabbed it and earned another moan.

"Isnt it to early for this?" Laura whispered in my ear and smiled with closed eyes.

"no. the timing is perfect." I whispered back and moved my hand to a more private zone of hers.

enjoy lmao short chapter dont carr raura is happening wow so proud of them goodnight

protect peyton sawyer at all costs thank you

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