The Crazy Complexity of Valentine's Day

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Valentine’s day is coming up as all you little lovebirds may know.  Well, as I do so enjoy The Big Bang Theory and am in love with Shamy (the couple of Sheldon Lee Cooper and Amy Farrah Fowler), I just realized something.  Why if Sheldon Cooper, the strangest, most unsociable person known in all of ‘tvland,’ gets a girlfriend who understands and loves him just as much as he her, why is anyone alone on a crappy day invented only for card and candy companies?  I mean, there are great people out there who so shouldn’t be alone on such a day.  Yes, I know TBBT is fictitious, as is the character of Sheldon, but my point still stays strong, right?  I mean, my friends are the sweetest people you would ever meet, there are some great people, friends, and fans on here as well, and I have been told I am sweet, but there are still so many people all alone and such.  (This coming from a girl who is ‘nice,’ but is still the only one left over after people pick partners in class.  Go figure.)  I read on a site that right now there is someone on this very Earth waiting to be with you forever.  Hard to believe when one goes to school with only about 50 other people in the graduating class and only a handful of quality guys who aren’t taken.  It makes match making a little difficult.  So, I go into yet another year without a boyfriend to get me flowers (not even just roses-I’m not too high maintenance), candy, a card, hell, even a hug.  I desperately wish I could be one of those girls all the guys love, or one of those girls who could have the lady-balls to ask out the guy I may or may not like currently.  Ok, enough gooey, lovey, self-help crap, eh?  The worst part?  I have a Quiz bowl match that was rescheduled so it’s now on Valentine’s Day.  Possible Questions? 

1.  Who is the most pathetic person on the Fourteenth of February?  ANSWER:  Chelsea

2.  What is the only thing she wants on this day?  ANSWER: A hug from a maybe special someone

3.  Who is this special someone?  ANSWER:  Don’t you wish you knew? ;)

So, to all you who actually celebrate it, Happy Valentine’s Day!  If you’re one of those lonely people who can’t help but feel lonely and angry at the world, Happy Just-Another-Day!  Much love and many hugs, Chelsea <3

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