Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

''Alright this is the last one.'' Camila huffs, entering the bedroom with the last box of her stuff that's being moved into Lauren's house. Which is now officially their home. She puts the box down on the ground and jumps over to their bed to let herself fall down on top of it with a long sigh.

''Great, good job babe. Now all we have to do is unpack everything and get everything sorted out.'' Lauren answers, folding some of Camila's clothes and putting them in their closet.

Camila groans and closes her eyes while Lauren faces her. ''I'm tireeeeed.'' She moans and Lauren can only chuckle at her with a shake of her head.

''I know Camz, but we're almost done. Look, we've unpacked seven of your ten boxes for the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen already. Only three more to go.'' She encourages her, moving to sit down next to her girlfriend on the bed.

''Nope, not true Jauregui.'' Camila says, pointing her finger towards the technician with her eyes still closed. ''Because I'm supposed to go back to my house to Dinah and Mani to make a deal with that one creepy dude to get rid of my furniture and get everything out of my house. So there's way too much left to do.''

Camila finishes her complaint with another heavy sigh and Lauren just smiles at her lovingly. She reaches out to push a strand of dark hair away from Camila's forehead and lets her hand linger on her jaw to caress her cheek.

''I know, you have a very, very hard life.'' Lauren agrees making Camila hum in approval of Lauren's acknowledgement of everything she has to deal with.

Lauren laughs and shakes her head while Camila tiredly opens her eyes. ''My arms are hurting.''

The technician practically melts at the adorable pout on her girlfriend's face and leans down to press a lingering kiss against her lips. She pulls away gently, looking into her girlfriend's exhausted eyes while lying down next to her on her side.

''I know, baby.'' She whispers, leaning in again to press another kiss against her lips. She knows Camila is still not completely recovered from her trip to space yet, and heavy exercise on her body like this move is still extremely exhausting.

Camila sighs happily when Lauren pulls away. Looking up in those green eyes after kissing her is probably one of her favorite things in the world. The love her girlfriend has for her is so obvious in those moments, she can practically count the hearts in her eyes when Lauren looks at her. It never fails to give her butterflies or let her whole body tingle in excitement and equally as much love.

''We're almost done though.'' Lauren mutters, pressing a kiss against her girlfriend's forehead. ''Just think about that. Kyano is with my parents tonight so that means you and I got the house to ourselves... all night.'' She whispers, watching a loving and already excited grin appear on the astronaut's face.

''Can't wait...'' Camila whispers back, watching a playful frown appear on Lauren's face.

''Well, I mean... if your arms hurt so much and you're too exhausted...'' she trails off, letting her fingertips run down over her girlfriend's chest and down her stomach before stopping on Camila's belt, leaving a burning trail behind. She sees her gulp and take a deep breath before answering with darkened eyes.

''Oh I'm sure I'll find some new energy.''

Lauren only has the chance to raise her eyebrows and bite her lip before Camila's lips are back on hers. Before she can do much more than reciprocate, she feels Camila's tongue push gently against her lips to enter her mouth. The astronaut leans up when her tongue finally collides with her girlfriend's and moves to push her on her back and hover over her.

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