Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Italics are flashbacks/memories


''Are you fucking kidding me right now Lauren?'' Camila calls out desperately, ripping the note from the fridge and storming into the living room.

''Clean up your fucking mess?'' Camila quotes, holding the note with Lauren's handwriting in the air while her girlfriend looks at her with an unimpressed look on her face.

''Yeah. I thought, you never listen when I ask you to clean up after yourself, so maybe this note would finally change you.'' She answers casually, turning her attention back to the TV.

''Change me?'' Camila bites out. ''You could never change me Lauren. I don't change for anybody.'' She answers, moving to stand in front of the TV to block the green-eyed girl's sight so she would be forced to give her attention to Camila.

Lauren looks up at her, slightly taken aback by Camila's outburst. She knew she would get Camila pissed by leaving her that note, but she didn't expect her to blow up like this.

''All you do, every day is nag about the mess around here. There's always something fucking wrong. If I clean the table, you whine that I forgot to put a bowl back, if I do the dishes then there's always something wrong with were I put the clean glasses. I can't do anything good in this house without you getting mad over something ridiculous.'' Camila continues to vent, her bottled up annoyances finally coming out.

''I just like a clean house Camz, and you have to be honest here and admit you're very messy.'' Lauren defends herself, her surprised gaze now changed to an angry one.

''I don't give a fuck!'' Camila now yells at her. ''All I care about is coming home to a nice girlfriend and having fun with you! I don't need you to scold me on where I put my clothes or how I organize my stuff. I'm not a little kid Lauren!''

''I know that!'' Lauren yells back, standing up from the couch, her own anger getting the better of her, but she sees something different in Camila's eyes. There's more behind them than just anger, and Lauren is afraid of what it could be. Afraid to give a name to the things she sees in her eyes.

''Then stop treating me like one. Stop being so damn controlling about everything! Let me live a little would ya!'' Camila continues to yell, turning around to turn the TV off and walking up and down the living room angrily.

''What do you mean let you live? You make it sound like you're some sort of caged animal!'' Lauren calls out, not completely understanding where all of this anger is coming from.

''Are you kidding me Lauren? You always want to stay home in the weekends, you get jealous the moment another person even looks in my general direction, you feel the need to 'claim' me wherever we go, you constantly tell me what to do and what not to do when we go somewhere. You suffocate me!'' Camila yells, and Lauren's eyes are clear from anger now, but that emotion is quickly replaced by a new one: hurt.

Tears appear in her eyes quickly, but she tries to push them away.

''I'm not controlling you Camz! I just love you! I want to spend time with you and not be bothered by anybody else. I just want to be with you and I can't bear the thought of somebody else even looking at you and wanting you. I'm sorry if I'm getting too jealous, but I just don't want to lose you.'' Lauren apologizes, hoping to get Camila to calm down, but she already sees that that won't be happening anytime soon.

She realizes that Camila's anger has nothing to do with Lauren wanting her to clean up after herself. She realizes that Camila is fed up with her. With their relationship.

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