Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

*Trigger warning for violence*

Lauren doesn't even have the chance to see what's happening when she feels a heavy pull on her hand. She sees a flash of brown hair and hears loud screams before she's being pulled to the ground when Brody is being tackled. She doesn't even feel the impact of her fall, all she feels is her erratic heartbeat, her heaving chest and the immense feeling of terrifying panic rushing through her whole body which paralyzes her completely.

''Kyano!'' Somebody yells and Lauren rips her hand out of Brody's grasp while crawling back in fear of everything that's happening. Then her eyes go wide when she realizes who tackled Brody to the ground and everything seems to be happening in a blur.

Camila is on top of Brody, raising her fists and slamming it down on Brody's face repeatedly, Kyano is being lifted up and carried away from the scene by Dinah, who appeared out of nowhere to Lauren. The technician is frozen to her spot and hears herself yell out loud when Brody turns him and Camila around and starts hitting her back. All the strength seems to have left her body at once and all she can do is cover her eyes and scream.


Then two hands grip her shoulders firmly and shake her until she opens her eyes again, only to stare right back in the wide and panicked brown eyes of Dinah Jane Hansen.

''LAUREN GET IN THE CAR, GET UP!'' She yells at her and Lauren tries to stand up with Dinah's support who suddenly gained all the power in the world to almost lift her up by herself. She's being dragged back to a car, away from Brody and Camila, who are still fighting each other on the ground.

She can't keep her eyes off of it, Brody's hits are getting stronger and Camila seems to be getting weaker. Suddenly the blur around Lauren's vision disappears and she sees everything so clearly that it hurts to simply look.

''No! CAMILA!'' she screams out, now fighting against Dinah's grip to get to her girlfriend while seeing somebody run past them towards the fighting astronauts as her best friend keeps dragging her back.

''LAUREN GET IN THE CAR!'' Dinah yells at her again, grabbing the open car door and pushing her in forcefully while Lauren still tries to get to Camila desperately. She can see blood flowing and red knuckles and bruises and she can hear groans and yells and fists colliding with bodies and faces and she feels like throwing up.

''LAUREN, KYANO GOD DAMNIT!'' Dinah yells and the name of her little boy finally makes her tear her eyes away from her girlfriend and look next to her at the backseat of the car she's been pushed into. She reaches out immediately when she sees Clarke holding Kyano securely and her little boy is crying his eyes out while he sees his mother getting beaten up.

Without a second thought she pulls her son into her and holds him tightly, turning his head away from the fight and shielding his eyes from seeing anything other than her. She needs him to see as little as possible from all of this.

She feels Clarke wrap her arms around both of them tightly, and Lauren suddenly feels a wave of protection at seeing her and Dinah and Camila and Lexa. All here to save them.

As soon as Lauren's attention is on her son, Dinah slams the door shut and runs after Lexa who has now tackled Brody to the ground and off of Camila. In the corner of her eyes she sees Camila laying on the floor, her chest heaving heavily, her face bleeding everywhere and her body weak.

But her eyes are focused on Lexa, who is now on top of Brody to try to hold his arms still against the ground. The astronaut is grunting lowly and trying to wrestle himself out of her grip while his face is also bleeding heavily.

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