Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

''You okay there Chanch?'' Dinah asks, pushing the wheelchair carrying her friend forward calmly.

''Yeah, just a little disappointed.'' Camila answers, letting her arms rest in her lap. All her muscles ache terribly. Lexa hadn't been easy with her training this morning and going door to door to ask about Kyano wasn't that much easier. All she really wants right now, is lie down with Lauren but she knows she can't. Not yet.

''I know. I hoped we would have found something by now. But maybe Mani and Lo had more luck in the East.'' Dinah offers positively and Camila nods.

''You're right. We should stay hopeful.'' She agrees with her friend.

''Definitely. I mean, his picture is on the news throughout the whole country. He can't hide forever and when we find him he better be prepared for some serious ass-whooping.'' Dinah scoffs making Camila chuckle in agreement.

''Oh hell yes. And if you're done with him, it's my turn.'' Camila jokes back.

''Girl when I'm done with him he won't be able to face anybody else ever again. That's what you get for taking my godson away from me.'' Dinah says, throwing her hair back over her shoulder which makes Camila laugh again.

''Alright, alright. What do you say we leave the real punishment to the police and the judge.'' Camila suggests before Dinah gets too violent, knowing the girl will actually add actions to her words if she would ever get to face Brody.

''Pff please, he's a white male against a gay couple. Do you really think the system will give him his rightful punishment? They'll probably make him the victim for not having his son in his life all that time.'' Dinah mutters and Camila can't do anything else but shrug and nod in agreement. Though she truly hopes that Brody will go to jail for a long time for child-kidnapping.

''Let's just start praying then.'' She answers.

They continue to talk to different people in the small villages. They've passed through three towns already and have just arrived in the fourth. So far, nobody has been able to give them more information about Brody and Kyano.

They did get a lot of sympathetic looks and apologetic smiles, but those won't help Camila find her son. She's been anxious for a couple of hours now. For some reason she has a feeling that she'll find something soon. For some reason, she's hopeful.

''Hey, by the way, Mani and I talked to Ally today.'' Dinah says after they've been to four more houses to question the people, but with no success.

''Oh yeah?''

''Yup, she said everything is all set for when the police find them. She has officially pressed charges against Brody out of your and Lauren's name and she worked out everything with Child Services.'' Dinah tells her, making Camila's eyes widen and panic start to rise within her.

''Child services?'' she asks softly, watching Dinah's eyes go wide in realization.

''Oh shit.'' She breathes out, realizing that Lauren and Camila weren't informed about the stuff with Child Services for a reason. They were busy enough with getting back to Earth and finding their son that Normani, Dinah and Ally decided to arrange things for them without involving them as much as they could.

''Dinah..'' Camila trails off unsurely, not knowing what to expect after her friend's little slip-up. She can't remember there was anything going on with Child Services. Lauren didn't tell her anything about it, she would have remembered it if that was the case.

''Mani will kill me.'' Dinah mutters before taking a deep breath. She knows they weren't supposed to speak about it, but the scared and uncertain look in her friend's eyes almost break her heart.

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