Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

''Did you put your homework in your bag, sweetie?'' Lauren calls out, while preparing her son's lunch box.

''Yep!'' Kyano answers, coming downstairs after having brushed his teeth.

''Alright, ready?'' she asks, shoving the Iron Man lunchbox into his bag and helping Kyano with carrying it outside.

''Mommy, can you come into the classroom with me today?'' Kyano asks as soon as his mom has buckled him up safely in the backseat of the car, his big brown eyes pleadingly looking up at her. Lauren looks at him with a smile, and presses a kiss against his forehead gently.

''Yeah, of course baby. Is there something you want to show me?'' she asks, and the boy's face lights up.

''Yes! I made a drawing!'' he answers, and Lauren smiles at him, closing his door and moving to the driver's seat to start their journey to school.

''What did you draw?'' Lauren asks him, throwing a quick glance in her rearview mirror at her son, who smiles proudly at her.

''Mama! And Brody, in space.''

Lauren gulps and tries her hardest to smile at him. She wonders what kind of drawing he made. She knows that her son always expresses himself through his drawings, even though it's probably an unconscious thing. He hasn't really talked that much about Camila lately, and it honestly worried Lauren a little bit. Sure, she was happy that he wasn't crying all day because he missed her, but not talking about it wasn't a good sign either. She didn't want their little boy to bottle up all his emotions.

''Can't wait to see it, honey.'' She replies, and Kyano nods with a smile, before looking out the window while they continue their journey to school.


''I don't know, Mani. I just need you to be prepared for it. He drew a picture of Brody and Camila in space, waving at him while he stood on the earth. They all smiled, so I guess that's a good sign, but his teacher told me he's spacing out a lot.'' Lauren tells her best friend after she brought Kyano to school, and is now driving to work.

''Well I can't say it doesn't surprise me.'' Normani answers and Lauren nods. ''I mean, his mom has been in space for what, two months now? I can imagine that little boy misses her a lot and thinks about her.''

''Yeah, no of course, I don't think it's strange either. I just wanted to let you know all this for when you pick him up. Like, if he has a nightmare tonight or if he zones out on you, then you know what's up.'' the green-eyed mom tells her friend, who hums in agreement.

''Yeah sure. Don't worry Laur, Dinah will pick him up from school, and I think she'll take him to the play hall in the mall for a little bit before dinner. You want me to bring it up with him when I take him to bed?'' she asks.

''Hmm, no. I think if he wants to talk about it, he will. If he doesn't start it up, don't speak of it. If he's distracted from missing his mom even for just a little while, I think we have to keep it like that for as long as possible.'' Lauren answers, entering the parking lot of NASA.

''Alright, no problem. I'll call you when he's in bed tonight, and then I'll see you tomorrow morning.'' Normani says while Lauren turns off her car.

''Okay. Oh and thanks for picking him up and everything!'' Lauren thanks her friend sincerely for helping her out with her son when she has to work.

''Lauren how many times do we have to tell you? It really is our pleasure, he's my godson, I love him to death and he's the sweetest boy to ever walk this planet. Really, no biggie.'' Normani answers, and Lauren can practically see the adoring smile that she knows graces her best friend's lips.

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