Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

''How you feeling?'' Camila asks softly, looking over towards the bed next to her. Brody frowns and turns his head to her.

''It hurts.'' He answers shortly, and Camila nods with a sad frown. They quickly ran out of pain killers, so Brody has to endure the pain in his foot fully and he has no other choice than to wait around until Jesse and Lauren arrive to take him back to earth.

''Just stay still.'' Camila says, turning her head back to stare up at the ceiling while playing with the clasp of the belt around her waist that keeps her pinned to her bed to prevent her from floating away. Brody hums and closes his eyes.

''I'm bored.'' He says after a few minutes of silence. Camila chuckles.

''Well you can't do much with that foot of yours, so you have no other choice.'' she answers, turning back to look at Brody again who nods with an annoyed frown. Brody is on bedrest ever since he hurt his foot, because the risk of him hurting it more while working, is too big.

''It sucks. I mean, we're in space, and all I can do is lie in bed all day.'' He complains and Camila hums understandingly at him. She knows it's been tough on him these past 48 hours. And it's been tough for her as well, because she has to do everything on her own now, not wanting Brody to hurt himself even more and taking risks with his health.

''I know. Just hang in there a little longer. Jesse and Lauren will take off in... about 6 hours, so in 12 hours they'll be here. Jesse and I will try to get the new oxygen tanks in place as quickly as we can, so he can take you back home. You'll be fine.'' Camila answers, trying to somehow ease his worries or nerves.

Brody hasn't said it out loud, but Camila knows he's nervous. She is too. Hell, everybody would be nervous if you're in space, with no idea how much air there is left, with possibly a broken foot, waiting for somebody to come and rescue you.

''Camila, can we talk?'' Brody asks after a little while of silence, and Camila looks at him.

''Depends on how much you want to say.'' She jokes, referring to their 6 hours of silence before Camila came to bed to get some rest as well. They agreed on not speaking to safe oxygen, but not talking for 6 hours gets boring really quickly.

''That depends on how much words I need to convince you.'' He answers back and a knowing look crosses Camila's features at his words.

''This is about Lauren.'' She states more than she asks and Brody nods at her and swallows.

''What are your plans when she gets here? I mean, you two will be completely alone for a month..'' he trails off uncertainly.

''Fuck her senseless.''

''WHAT?'' Brody hisses at her and Camila laughs, finding it incredibly funny that Brody completely fell for that.

''Calm down, I was joking.'' She says with a smile, waving her hand dismissively, but Brody glares at her.

''Not funny.''

''Alright, sorry.'' She apologizes, her smile still on her face after watching Brody's grumpy expression. ''I honestly haven't really thought about it yet.'' She says and Brody frowns at her in disbelieve.

''Sure.'' He answers and Camila bites her lip. She hasn't stopped thinking about having Lauren up here for a month, but she's not going to tell him that.

So she shrugs and looks back at the ceiling while biting the inside of her cheek.

''You do remember what I said, right? You agreed with me.'' He reminds her, feeling the need to make sure Camila won't go there with Lauren after all, with the huge risk of his best friend getting hurt yet again.

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