Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Italics are flashbacks/memories


''Mila, pass me the salt please.'' Dinah says to her friend, before taking a sip of her wine. She focusses back on her friend across the table from her, but she doesn't seem to take any sort of action whatsoever.

''Mila.'' Dinah tries again, but her friend is too caught up with her girlfriend to notice her calling.

''Oh, it's that time again.'' Normani mutters in Dinah's ear, while her thumb is stroking her girlfriend's arm gently. She eyes Lauren and Camila for just a short moment, and already noticed the two completely being wrapped up in each other to the point of oblivion to anything around them.

''Again? Seriously, why are we even having these dinners with them every week if they can't even leave each other alone long enough to talk to us?'' she whines to Normani, who just chuckles and nods.

''Well babe, you know how they are together.'' Normani shrugs and takes another bite of her dinner. Dinah mutters some words of annoyance before reaching over the table to slap Camila's arm.

''OW! Dinah, why'd you do that?'' Camila asks, shock and a little bit of anger hearable in her voice. She rubs her arm with a frown and looks at her friend questioningly.

''You can suck face with Lauren later, right now, I need the salt.'' Dinah states, raising her eyebrows challengingly. She sees Lauren blushing and a smirk coming to view on Camila's face.

''Sorry.'' Lauren mutters, but never loosening her tight grip on Camila's hand.

Camila however, stares back at Dinah for a few moments, before blinking and looking away, knowing she won't ever win a staring contest from her best friend.

''Yeah, sorry.'' She says, reaching over for the salt, but when she almost has it, she stops her movements, puts one finger in the air to signal Dinah to wait.

''One moment.'' She says, before leaning in towards Lauren to capture her lips in a sweet and teasing kiss. Lauren can't help her smile when she hears Dinah groan and Normani laugh, but her attention is soon drawn back to Camila, who is still kissing her.

So she kisses back, and traps her girlfriend's bottom lip between her own and lets her tongue trace over it softly, tasting the familiar taste of Camila that she loves so much. She feels Camila pull away after a few more moments, and Lauren opens her eyes again to find the brown-eyed girl smiling widely at her. Then she reaches over for the salt and sets it down in front of Dinah's plate.

''There you go DJ.'' Camila says with a proud smirk, while feeling Lauren start to play with her hair.

Dinah sighs dramatically and hears Normani laugh at Camila's teasing. She waves her hand dismissively, before finally putting some salt over her French fries.

''You know, I am captain of this whole thing between you two, but please... I'm trying to enjoy my meal here. So if you wanna make-out, let me know cause I'll be out of this restaurant to give you some privacy and leave you with the bill.'' She says before shoving some French fries in her mouth.

Normani just laughs again and mutters to Dinah to just let them be. Camila rolls her eyes at Dinah before receiving another slap on her arm and Lauren blushes once again.

''If you don't want to see us ''suck face'' as you so beautifully called it, then don't go to dinner with us. You know I love my girlfriend.'' Camila answers and smiles when Lauren presses another kiss to her cheek.

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